Tuesday, February 28, 2006


一生中收效最高的習慣 (節錄自80/20定律 Richard Koch):

習慣 收效
天天健身 更健康、更有吸引力,感覺更棒
天天動腦 保持思維敏捷,提高智力水平,從思考中獲得樂 趣
每天做一件有益於他人的事情 收獲快樂
每天深思或者靜想 保持頭腦清醒、不混亂;做決策會更加明智
每天向你的愛人表達愛意 留住他或者她;讓他們感覺幸祝福
只要條件允許,就不吝借你的 讓別人和你自己都保持良好的心態
節約收入的10%用於投資 沒有金錢之憂的未來
對朋友慷慨 更深的交情;感覺更好
每天總有2-3小時的純休息時間 恢復能量,保持身心健康、偷快
永不說謊 贏取他人的信任;建立良好的聲譽
永遠保持平和與放鬆 感覺更好,身體更健康,壽命更長
集中注意力在那些煩擾你的事情上 以少求多、事半功倍
經常自問:怎樣才能事半功倍 不論條件如何,都能大幅度提高工作效率

Monday, February 27, 2006

Bird Flu --Deadly Pandemic

Is Asia ready for bird flu?
By Chris Hogg, BBC Hong Kong correspondent

In one market near where I live in Hong Kong there's a vision of the future.

It's a stall that sells the chickens the Hong Kong housewives like to buy still alive to ensure their freshness. But the stall-holder and her birds are behind a pane of glass that stretches from floor to ceiling. She is in effect encased in a large box. She's almost completely separated from her customers. When they buy a chicken she kills it, plucks it and wraps it up before passing it through a small gap in the wall. The customer's contact with her or her birds is reduced to a minimum.

These are the kind of measures the scientists say are needed throughout Asia if we're to have any realistic chance of protecting ourselves from bird flu - in addition to the stockpiles of anti-viral drugs like Tamiflu or the yet to be produced anti-bird-flu vaccine. But in reality we're not going to see measures like that across Asia.

'A plane ride away'

While Hong Kong might be what the World Health Organization (WHO) describes as the 'gold standard in terms of surveillance and measures designed to prevent the emergence of bird flu', poorer nations in South East Asia just don't have the same kind of resources to throw at the problem.

That is the biggest issue facing Asian governments. The bird-flu virus H5N1 has been circulating in this region for at least two years.

Not ready

Compare that with the situation in Vietnam today.

The New York Times reported recently that while two years ago when a case of bird flu was discovered every chicken within a radius of about 5km of the infected fowl would be slaughtered, today officials kill only those birds in an infected flock that do not die from the disease itself.

The reason, the newspaper says, is a lack of money to compensate the farmers. And then there are the allegations of corruption in Indonesia which mean the country has to test its entire stock of bird flu vaccine because government auditors suspect companies have produced doses of inferior quality to inflate profits.

Or fears raised by opposition politicians in South Korea that the government doesn't have enough intensive care facilities to treat a mass outbreak of any kind of communicable disease.
So yes, Asia has woken up to the threat posed by this disease.

But is it ready? No, there's a lot to do.

Although in some places they're doing their utmost to take adequate precautions, this region is nowhere near a position to fight an outbreak in anywhere but the most developed or affluent areas.

"We are hoping the resources now being discussed in the West will now make it possible to protect the populations of the poorest countries," says the WHO's Peter Cordingley, but he warns "It's a slow business, and how long do we have?"

For more information on 'How bird flu has spread', see

For bird flu's impact on the globe, please refer to

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Take part in the largest climate experiment ever

Do you want to take part in one of the largest climate experiments in human history? The only thing you need to do is to share the computing power of your PC via a technology known as distributed computing. You simply download a software from the following website and follow the instruction then you can take part in the modelling of global climatic change.

The result of the experiment is crucial to our understanding of the current situation of global warming. For more information, please refer to

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Saving the frogs

Amphibians are more vulnerable to fungal attack than they were in the past. Pollution and degradation of their habitats as a result of human activities are to blame. Two scientists from the U.S. are tracking some rare species in different parts of the world and hopefully their effort will raise the public concern over the plight of these endangered amphibians.

For details of their excursion, please check the following video clip from CNN.

Friday, February 24, 2006

To be an information literate person

I attended a seminar on ‘Analysis of students' performance in CE Biology 2005’ last month. The question and answer section of the programme reminds me of the importance of information literacy in teaching profession.

During the Q&A section, some teachers questioned whether breast milk contains enzymes or not . A professor from the faculty of Education (CUHK) insisted on the lack of enzyme in breast milk, but some teachers argued that enzymes like lipase and lactase could be found and information of this kind is available on the Internet.

In today's highly connected world, all information is available at the finger tip and is easily accessible within a few 'clicks'. In the era of 'Googlization', no one can dominate the source of information even the experts. Instead of serving as information providers, teachers should change their roles as facilitators and help students to become information literate.

Information literacy(IL) is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.

In the digital era of rapid technological change and proliferating information sources, IL forms the basis for lifelong learning.

Are you ready for the challenge? Please refer to the following checklist to see if you are information literate.

An information literate person is one who:

Recognizes that accurate and complete information is the basis for intelligent decision making
Recognizes the need for information
Formulates questions based on information needs
Identifies potential sources of information
Develops successful search strategies
Accesses sources of information including computer-based and other technologies
Evaluate information
Organizes information for practical application
Integrates new information into an existing body of knowledge
Uses information in critical thinking and problem solving

Seven faces of information literacy

Information literacy experienced as:
1. Using IT for information retrieval and communication
2. Finding information located in information sources
3. Using information processes for problem-solving, decision making
4. Controlling information (recognizing & managing relevant information; making connections between information, projects, people)
5. Constructing knowledge in an unfamiliar area
6. Extending knowledge
7. Using information wisely

If you are eager to develop you information literacy, please visit the following website and try the interactive tutorial. You may log in via the guest account.

For more resources on information literacy, please visit



資訊素養 Information literacy

The University of Hong Kong Libraries

Wednesday, February 22, 2006








Tuesday, February 21, 2006





粉筆一支 $0.5
打一個X的勞務費用 $0.5
準確地知道在那裡打一個X $9,999
共 $10,000

這9,999元就是工程師的知識回報,他與一般工人的最大分別在於化擁有別人沒法取代的附加價值(Added Value)。

Monday, February 20, 2006







Sunday, February 19, 2006

The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century

Book Review:

The World is Flat : a Brief History of the Twenty-first Century / Thomas L. Friedman.

(Available at TKO public library and the call number is 301.243 FRI)

Thomas L. Friedman是《紐約時報》專欄作家,他多年來熱衷推展全球化理念,之前他的經典著作《The Lexus and the Olive Tree》當中提出的新科技和全球化與傳統文化的拉扯,當時他認為現在的社會必定抵擋不了全球化的浪潮,必須往全球化邁進。

不過在他的最新作品《The World Is Flat》中,Friedman對於全球化有了新的思考。在9·11、伊拉克戰事之後,一趟前往印度的旅行讓他重新思考了全球化的意義,他在本書中提出了全球化的三種版本,現今則是全球化的第三個版本:因為網路的普及,主體是個人的全球化。



History of the world twenty years from now, and they come to the chapter "Y2K to March 2004," what will they say was the most crucial development? The attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11 and the Iraq war? Or the convergence of technology and events that allowed India, China, and so many other countries to become part of the global supply chain for services and manufacturing, creating an explosion of wealth in the middle classes of the world's two biggest nations, giving them a huge new stake in the success of globalization? And with this "flattening" of the globe, which requires us to run faster in order to stay in place, has the world gotten too small and too fast for human beings and their political systems to adjust in a stable manner?

In this brilliant new book, the award-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman demystifies the brave new world for readers, allowing them to make sense of the often bewildering global scene unfolding before their eyes. With his inimitable ability to translate complex foreign policy and economic issues, Friedman explains how the flattening of the world happened at the dawn of the twenty-first century; what it means to countries, companies, communities, and individuals; and how governments and societies can, and must, adapt. The World Is Flat is the timely and essential update on globalization, its successes and discontents, powerfully illuminated by one of our most respected journalists.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Basic principles of aircraft flight

Some boys in my class show great interest in aircraft flight. There are only a handful of reference books written in Chinese. I came across one written in plain English last year in public libraries. The title of the book is

‘Aircraft flight : a description of the physical principles of aircraft flight’ and is co-authored by R.H. Barnard, D.R. Philpott.

The call number of the book is 629.1323BAR

The following paragraphs are the brief description of the book. Hope you find them useful.

Aircraft Flight:A description of the physical principles of aircraft flight 3rd Edition - Paper


The first edition of Aircraft Flight, published in 1989 broke new ground in the field of technical aviation literature by providing accurate physical, rather than mathematical, descriptions of the principles of aircraft flight.

The book has subsequently established itself as a popular and respected introduction to the study of aeronautics, and is now on the recommended reading lists for aerospace and aeronautical engineering courses at a large number of Universities and Colleges around the world.

In this third edition, the text and illustrations have been updated, and some important improvements have been incorporated. As an aid to student project work, the characteristics of three representative types of aerofoil section have been added in a new appendix.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements Introduction 1. Lift 2. Wings 3. The Boundary layer and its control 4. Drag 5. High Speed Flow 6. Trust and Propulsion 7. Performance 8. Supersonic Aircraft 9. Transonic Aircraft 10. Aircraft Control 11. Static Stability 12. Dynamic Stability 13. Take-off and Landing 14. Structural Influences Appendix References Index

Friday, February 17, 2006


拿破崙. 希爾(Napoleon Hill)曾說過:「逆境是一種祝福。它看起來像是失敗,其實卻是一隻看不見的智慧之手,強迫人們改變方向,向著另一個更有利的方向前進。 」


Thursday, February 16, 2006







Wednesday, February 15, 2006





香 港 電 台 節目重溫
< 女 人 多 自 在 >第 一 集 : 如 果 你 相 信 童 話

Tuesday, February 14, 2006









那三年的經驗使我領悟到,生命的意義在於能夠品嚐辛苦得來的成果,這成果源於上天給我的恩賜和別人給我的幫忙。這經驗亦叫我不要輕視生命中不能承受的輕(如通宵捱夜),同時亦叫我不要放棄任何可以進步的機會,儘管是向前挪移一小步,這也代表著生命中的千辛萬苦以及千言萬語,足可回味。最後僅冀盼以一句座右銘,跟各位共勉之 - 『人生並沒有辦不到的事情,只有不去辦的事情。』

Monday, February 13, 2006

留 住 這 一 片 綠

政 府 前 年 底 公 布 「 新 自 然 保 育 政 策 」 及 其 推 行 計 劃 , 選 定 十 二 個 具 重 要 生 態 價 值 、 須 優 先 加 強 保 育 的 地 點 , 其 中 三 成 土 地 由 私 人 擁 有 。 該 如 何 在 涉 及 私 人 業 權 的 地 點 進 行 保 育 工 作 , 政 府 、 環 保 人 士 和 土 地 持 有 人 一 直 抱 不 同 意 見 。
三 個 月 前 , 政 府 終 於 撥 款 近 五 百 萬 元 在 「 塱 原 濕 地 」 及 「 大 埔 鳳 園 谷 」 推 行 「 土 地 管 理 協 議 」 試 驗 計 劃 。 三 個 環 保 組 織 在 這 兩 個 保 育 區 內 , 如 何 與 村 民 、 農 戶 合 作 保 育 其 中 的 雀 鳥 、 蝴 蝶 、 樹 木 及 農 地 等 生 態 環 境 ? 在 可 持 續 發 展 的 大 前 題 下 , 目 前 這 計 劃 的 進 展 能 否 收 到 預 期 效 果 ? 維 期 兩 年 的 試 驗 於 明 年 底 結 束 , 有 關 結 果 將 影 響 未 來 保 育 政 策 的 方 向 , 該 如 何 評 估 試 驗 計 劃 的 成 效 ?

〈 鏗 鏘 集 〉節 目 重 溫


沙羅洞:當發展與保育不被對立時… …

When Conservation in no conflict with Development…




1997年,政府以沙羅洞的河溪乃蜻蜓繁殖的重要生境(habitat,生物的生存環境)為理由,把沙羅洞的河溪以及河溪兩旁30多尺的緩衝區列為「具特殊生態價值地點」(Site of Special Scientific Interest, 簡稱SSSI)。事實上,根據量度生物多樣性的調查,在沙羅洞找到的蜻蜓種類已佔全港已知的六成,共有12科(genus)72個種(species)。另外,沙羅洞的河溪、沼澤和風水林為不少稀有物種提供合適的棲身之所。而在2002年,政府更根據《城市規劃條例》(香港法例第131章),草擬並通過了〈沙羅洞規劃大綱圖則〉,進一步限制該地方的發展計劃。圖則指出沙羅洞的生態、文化遺產和景觀有相當高的價值,需要予以保育。



1. 沙羅洞的發展與保育訴訟凸顯現行的保育政策有什麼不足?

2. 香港有生態價值的地方大多位於村民的業權範圍之內,綠色團體的訴求和村民的利益必然存在衝突,你能提出平行各方利益的建議嗎?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

When cultures collide

The publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad is deepening the divide between Islam and the West. The controversial cartoons have spurred a domino of violence all over the Islamic countries. What do these conflicts imply after all?

This issue reflects the lack of religious sensitivities and respect of Muslims in some European countries. I still don't understand why in the first place the Danish newspaper published the cartoons and under what context that made the publication necessary. Does the publication of these cartoons serve as a token demonstrating the freedom of speech enjoyed by most ‘civilized’ Western countries? Or is it merely a travesty of the conservative Muslims?

Why do Muslims react so vigorously? Personally, I think the controversial cartoons are only a catalyst that sparks off the underlying distrust and hatred between the Islamic and Western worlds especially after the US invasion of Iraq. The deepening divide between Islam and the West is the seed of global unrest in the years to come. Muslims have the right to express their anger over the publication of cartoons but it doesn’t mean it can only be done in a violent way. Any violence done by religion extremists in the name of ‘blasphemy’ will only deter rational discussion among all parties concerned, which is a more proper and well accepted way of dealing with religious conflicts.

The cultural conflicts stem from the value difference between the Islamic and Western worlds. The importance of freedom of speech and women’s rights, most valued in Western countries, is dwarfed by the tradition of Islamic culture. A better mutual understanding from both sides is the key to resolving the conflicts. Would the leaders from the Western and Islamic worlds have the courage and commitment to open the avenue for dialogue and cultural interflow? At present political atmosphere, the chance is so slim especially after the 9/11 terror attack and American military operation in Afhganistan and Iraq. The future of world peace is gloomy unless there is a radical change in the mindset of leaders on both sides.

For commentary from Economist on 'Cartoons War', please refer to the following link

Please refer to my wife's web-blog for in-depth analysis
Dated February 21, 2006 'Clash of Civilisation'

Muslims in new cartoon protests fromBBC news

Saturday, February 11, 2006




取材:二月六日《明報》的頭條新聞 <摩天豪宅防火弱、消防守則過時多沒裝灑水器>






母:黄香三歲時,母親便死去了 ……

Smoking – A health time-bomb in China

A special news programme on China’s smoking problem was broadcast on CNN last night. Experts in community medicine expressed their concern on the cost, both economic and health, incurred by smoking in China. I found this programme very relevant to the AL Biology curriculum and spent a few minutes on browsing the CNN website in a hope that the online version of the programme could be located and would be shown in the class. To my disappointment, the online version of the programme was not available and so I switched to BBC website and found a news archive related to this issue.

The archive is a report of a scientific research on health cost of smoking in China conducted by scientists from the University of Hong Kong and Oxford University. The research predicts that one-third of all young men in China will die from smoking related diseases and millions will be killed if they refuse to give up the habit. The medical cost and economic cost due to the loss of human capital are enormous. How much resource can a developing country like China, already plagued by problems of rural poverty, spare for defusing the smoking time-bomb?

Smoking as a community health burden is not unique in China. It is also a common problem in many Asian countries. With a lax restriction on tobacco trade and tobacco related advertisement, these countries become the last and major revenue centre of tobacco manufacturers, already face a heavy tax and tighter ban on advertisement in most Western countries. Solving the problem requires the commitment of substantial political will from the officials and effective anti-smoking education at all levels of society.

Here in Hong Kong, the legislation on the ban of smoking in restaurants and night clubs invites serious opposition from their owners and staff working in these places. I am pessimistic on the successful legislation of the ban as the employment opportunity of those working in eating and entertainment establishment means too much to politicians in the looming ‘jobless recovery’ in Hong Kong and may even overrride the demand for better public health.

Fore details of the news, please refer to

For video archive, please refer to

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Secret Life of Germs

This book presents to readers simple statistics that should interest anyone who cares about personal hygiene. The author mentions in the book that 80% of infections come from contact, as opposed to vectors, inhalation or common carriers. He stresses from time to time the importance of washing your hands. As mentioned in the book, the result of a survey on people's habit of washing their hands after going to the toilet is stunning. Quite a large number of people refuse to wash their hands after going to the public toilet. The author depicts an imaginative scenario in which a man infected by Ebola virus would spread the pathogen to others simply because of the refusal of hand washing. Toilets in the airport and train terminals become the hub of global exchange of germs. One interesting thing worth to mention is the fatality in hospitals caused by noscomial infection. Noscomial infection is the spread of germs from medical practioners to patients. The culprit of this infection is the refusal of washing hands and this was particular true for medical practitioners in the past. Today, doctors and nurses are well trained on the prevention of the notorious noscomial infection.

This book is avaliable at TKO public library and the call number is 616.9TIE

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

做 人 之 道




所以千萬要潔身自好, 這樣才能保持自己的價值。


那才真有作為, 因為「有守才能有為」。




連口都修不好, 這怎麼能夠做事?



Tuesday, February 07, 2006


到底要學些什麼才不會被淘汰,能夠在這個變化萬千的社會謀生?預言穩定的工作將會消失的William Bridges 認為明日的員工必須要具備有以下的生存技能:

1. 讀寫、算術、基本的電腦運用技巧;
2. 自我經營的能力,無論是自僱或受僱,都必須視自己的工作為一人企業,自己是自已事業的執行官(CEO),沒有“做生意”的本領,又保如何經營自己的人生?
3. 時間管理、目標設定、會計基礎、企劃能力和行政管理技巧;
4. 自我推銷的能力,將工作環境視為一個市場,能滿足顧客需要才可以生存。

為配合知識型社會的趨勢,須對學習這概念作出徹底的改變。未來學家John Naisbitt認為,在新社會的規則下,學生必須要學會四種技能,就是:

1. 學習如何學習;
2. 學習如何思考;
3. 學習如何創造;
4. 學習如何溝通。

查爾斯韓迪在其新書The Elephant and the Flea中引述英國《經濟學人》的分析,列出在新經濟網絡世界,管理人必須要掌握以下十種技巧:

1. 速度:把事情做得更快;
2. 人才:人要少、要好;
3. 開放:透明化大家都受益;
4. 合作:團隊為基石;
5. 紀律:效率來自協定與標準程序;
6. 溝通良好;
7. 內容管理:要認清什麼是20/80法則,有80%的資訊是不必要的;
8. 關注客戶,以客為尊;
9. 知識管理:分享自己所知;
10. 以身作則:說到即到,即知即行。


Monday, February 06, 2006


亞伯拉罕. 馬斯勞(Maslow)長期研究成功人士的心理狀態,他抽取出能夠自我實踐的成熟人格是有以下的共同特徵的:

1. 接納自己,尊重他人,尊重大自然;
2. 能準確客觀地洞察現實;
3. 以問題為中心,以事論事,不以自我為中心;
4. 有獨處的需要,享受孤獨,享受與自己溝通;
5. 欣賞生活;
6. 坦率、純真、自然、自在、甚少自我防衛;
7. 關心社會;
8. 有良好的人際關係;
9. 善意和富有幽默感;
10. 有創造力,不隨波逐流,不墨守成規;
11. 能坦然面對現實,在惡劣的環境下仍可以找到存在的空間;
12. 曾經經歷過人生最美好的高峰經驗(Peak Experience)。

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Brief History of Aspirin

The discovery of Aspirin is a good example demonstrating the ‘Doctrine of Signature’, a common belief in the old Western medicine, stating that cures of a disease can usually be found in the vicinity where the disease originates. Weeping willow containing Salix alba, a chemical treating fever, grows in damp soil, which is also the home of pathogens that cause fever.

The use of willow’s leaves as painkillers can be traced back to an ancient Egyptian medical journal called ‘Ebers’. This old prescription had been passed on from generation to generation only until 1820, chemists were able to extract and purify Salicylic Acid, an analgestic chemical, from willow’s leaves.

In 1897, Felix Hoffmann from Bayer invented a modified version of Salicylic Acid. This new chemical was called Aspirin. Bayer had the patent of the chemical and Aspirin became the most popular medicine at that time.

Bayer was a German pharmaceutical company. At the end of World War I, Bayer’s properties outside Germany were confiscated in compliance with the Treaty of Versailles. An American company called Sterling successfully bid for manufacturing equipment of Aspirin at 5 million dollars (US) in an auction. Bayer had waited for 75 years before it bought Aspirin factories from the pharmaceutical giant, Smith Kline Beecham, which had already acquired Sterling.

Apart from its analgestic function, Aspirin is also well known in its antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant (blood thinning) properties. Today, Aspirin is still a common candidate in doctors’ prescription for a variety of diseases.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

HKUL Reading Club

To promote the cultural and intellectual life of Hong Kong, the Libraries has created the University of Hong Kong Libraries Reading Club. The Reading Club will sponsor a series of book talks featuring leading members of Hong Kong intellectual community.

For video archives, please visit


校園讀書會場地A:香港中文大學邵逸夫夫人樓LT1場地B:香港中文大學崇基學院王福元樓UG LT4 (請按此瀏覽場地地圖)
城中讀書會中環美國銀行中心1樓A中大校專業修學院演講廳 (請按此瀏覽場地地圖)
查詢:2609-7563 / 2609-7075 /

For video archives please visit

Friday, February 03, 2006

A science experiment for kids

The 'submarine' dives when you squeeze the bottle and floats when you relieve the grip.

With suitable amount of Blu-Tack, the 'submarine' can float in water.

The photo shows how the paper clip is bent and inserted into the straw.

Materials required for the experiment (a paper clip, a straw, some Blu-Tack and a plastic bottle)

My family paid a visit to the public library last month. My wife was looking for story books for Ching’s reading scheme. I liked to try something new and I chose a book about science experiments. Most of the materials required for experiments mentioned in the book are easily available. I tried one with my daughter and she enjoyed it very much. She got a lot of fun when doing this experiment. Here I would like to share with you the key steps of this experiment.

‘Submarine – sink or float’

(1) a plastic bottle
(2) some Blu Tack
(3) a paper clip
(4) a straw (about 6cm long)


(1) Bend the paper clip as shown in the photo.
(2) Insert both ends of the paper clip into the straw.
(3) Attach some Blu Tack to the paper clip
(4) Adjust the amount of Blu Tack so that the ‘submarine’ can freely float in water.
(5) Put the ‘submarine’ in a plastic bottle fully filled with water. Remember to screw the bottle cap tightly.
(6) If you want to sink the submarine, just squeeze the bottle hard.
(7) By controlling the amount of water you squeeze into the straw, you can adjust the position of the ‘submarine’ as you wish.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


含羞草 Sensitive Plants (Mimosa Pudica)

大葉合歡 Lebbeck Tree (Albizia lebbeck)






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工作時間 每星期工作168小時 每星期平均工作40小時
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節錄自Peter Leyden “The Coming Trauma”

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The real scenario of 'The Day after Tomorrow'

Greenhouse gas emissions are rising at an "unsustainable" rate and the Greenland ice cap is at risk, scientists have warned.
The report says the risks from climate change are more serious than previously thought.

An interview with Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

一年之計在於春,很多人都喜歡在一年之始訂下鴻圖大計,但大部分人卻不能付諸實行,如果你是其中一分子,Robin Sharma 的 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari可以幫助你完成大計。


Dharma 是一個古印度文名詞,意指生命的目標,簡單來說,什麼事情可使你廢寢忘餐的專注和熱情,那是你心中的Dharma,如果你訂下的目標符合個人的Dharma,那便是對你最有利的目標,這些目標可不只是事業上的成就,還應該包括個人素質、知識、興趣、財務、人際關係各方面。

但人的雜念眾多,所以要將目標寫下,並且要把其他次要的項目放在較後的位置。人的腦袋是一個具威力的過濾器,The Monk 書中有句名言:The quality of life is determined by the quality of your thoughts,可見腦袋的威力。有了這個基礎,就可以跟從書中五個簡單的指引,將目標實踐。

一. 將目標形象化。 想像自已已經完成目標的情景,並將它描繪下來,這夢想圖就成為你的藍圖。
二. 適量地向自己施壓。壓力可以助你進步,把目標公開是製造正面壓力的一個有效方法。
三. 定下時間表,給自己一個死線。好讓你能更加集中,可以有效掌管進度。
四. 建立好習慣,掉丟壞習慣。有一個行之有效的方法叫二十一定律,新的行為需要二十一天的時間就可以建立成習慣。若你認為自己充滿著壞習慣,不用灰心,集中放在建立新習慣上,當愈來愈多好習慣被建立,不好的習慣便會慢慢被取代。
五. 享受改變的過程。不要認為追求目標是一件苦差,要認同在過程中充滿歡笑。假如你認為自己是一個很不幸的人,我提議你列一張清單,將不幸的事情列出,之後,再列一張清單,把值得感恩的事情列出來,對比之下,你將發現值得感恩的事總比不幸的多。你以往沒有發現自己原來是多幸福,因為你腦袋只集中在不幸的事情上。
