Friday, November 25, 2005

GFS Open Day

Last Sunday, I paid a visit to the GFS (Government Flying Services) open day with my family. It took me thirty minutes to queue up at the bus stop in Tung Chung and another thirty minutes outside the entrance of the GFS headquarter. It was quite exhausting and annoying to wait so long on a hot sunny day. After going through all the formality like document check and registration, we finally got in and walked around in the hanger.

My daughter was excited by the flying performance such as high speed low 'fly-pass', SAR (search and rescue demonstration), release of 'water bomb' and hovering with crewman winched down. We also had a chance to have a close look at choppers such as the EC 155 Dolphin and L2 Puma. The fixed wing 'Jet-stream' specially designed for long-range rescue and reconnaissance also drew our attention. We all loved the air show and the airplanes.

After the visit, my daughter told me that she want to be a pilot one day. I told her that good English is one of the requirements of being a pilot. " You always pronounce 'three' as 'tree"', if you can pronounce 'three' correctly, you will not be qualified as a pilot", I said. After learning this, she immediately pronounced the word 'three' and did it correctly.

Somtimes a dream is an important driving force to learning especially for children.

Blood stain or red ink

I scratched my itchy back while I was reading a book with my daughter last night. This act tore off a clot of an age-old wound on my back and immediately blood was seeping out. I soaked the blood with a tissue paper and my daughter kept on asking what the 'red stuff' was. I told her that it was blood that stained the paper red. She then sketched a red line on the paper with a colour pen and asked me how to distanguish red ink from blood stains.

Her question reminded me of a book named 'Crime scene investigation for grade 6-12'. I learnt from this book a simple way of telling the difference between blood stains and red ink. The chemical reagent needed for the test is commonly available in all first aid box- it is hydrogen peroxide. I added a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the blood stains and gas bubbles emerged right away. I did the same thing on red ink and nothing visible occurred.

The scientific principle behind is comprehensible to all senior form science students. As blood cells contain an enzyme known as catalase, hydrogen peroxide acts as the substrate for the catase to carry out catabolic reaction that produces oxygen and water. The bubbles evolved are oxygen gas. This explains why blood stains and red ink behave differently when reacting with hydrogen peroxide.

Apart from using hydrogen peroxide as a test reagent, can you think of other ways of distinguishing blood stains from red ink?

Friday, November 18, 2005


二、世界不會在意你的「自尊」,只指望你「有所成就」!未有成就之前,切勿過分強調 自尊。



(1) 除了精通本科知識外,還要具備國際視野,掌握其他範疇的知識。
(2) 具備極高的中英文水平。
(3) 有自信心和領導才能。
(4) 有批判思考能力,能夠從多角度了解問題。
(5) 能認真和努力地做好每一件事,這不只是指認真預備考試和做功課,而是在人生歷程的每一個階段,有否認真做好每一件事。


以上不是什麼新的論點,其實早在一九六九年、現代管理學之父德魯克(Peter Drucker)就預言知識員工(knowledge worker)的出現。在經濟發展成熟的地區例如香港,對高學歷(學位或以上程度)的人才需求甚殷,但中三教育水平或以下者面對極大的失業壓力。所以同學要爭取得來不易的學習機會,努力裝備自己,使自己成為知識工作者。


Sunday, November 13, 2005

How youth can expand their horizons with technology and global issues.

According to a recent survey on the academic performance and self-confidence of young people in Hong Kong, our students excel in mathematics and sicence but score low in self-confidence among OCED countries. Local young people have long been blamed for lack of social awareness and global perspectives. This claim may not be fair to them as there is a lack of platform for our youth to voice their opinions on global issues. With the help of technology, a new avenue is open to our youth to collaborate and express their veiws and even act in response to certain global issues. ( is developed for this purpose.

It is an online community that connects youth to find inspiration, access information, get involved, and take action in their local and global communities. It is now the world's most popular online community for young people interested in making a difference, with hundreds of thousands of unique visitors each month.TIG's highly interactive website provides a platform for expression, connection to opportunities, and support for action. Join now and connect with thousands of other young people around the world!


1. 我們無法改變環境,可以改變自己。
2. 遠大的目標是成功的磁石。
3. 求知是積累優勢邁向成功的第一步。