Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sex Determination: More complicated than you thought

What you learn in high school biology in sex determination is all about the combination of X and Y chromosomes. The video below gives you insight into other factors that pay a vital role in sex determination. Enjoy and discuss with your biology teachers.


通識考題: 你多大程度上同意同學對政府強制推行國民教育的觀點?

Monday, May 14, 2012

The crockroach beatbox

Very inspiring video for biology students learning neural science. It could be an interesting science project for students studying both biology and physics.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How simple ideas lead to scientific discovery

The TED video link below is very inspiring to science students. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Driving primates to the edge

The following paragraph is my response to an article titled "Driving primates to the edge" appeared in BBC Science in 2008.
I am pessimatic about the future of primates. Habitat destruction in most Asian countries poses increasing threat to primates. Unstainable logging for timbers and clearing forests for urban development are driving primates to the verge of extinction. The policy of maximizing economic growth even at the expense of huge environmental cost is not uncommon in most developing countries. They admire the success of China's econmic reform and adopt 'Devlopment first, treatment later'model. The culture of eating wild animals still prevails in some Asian countries. Education is the only way of averting this uncivilized practice but it may take generations to work. The question is can these lovely creatures struggle for that long before the become extinct?"
The design of the wbsite allows you to express your views on issues related to science, quite an interesting and interactive way of learning science. I strongly recommend the website to science students.