Tuesday, January 31, 2006


有本書名為May Moon and the Secrets of the CPAs是關於如何教導孩子理財的態度,雖然此書是專為孩子而寫,但我覺得有些內容對於今天過份強調物質生活的年青人有很大的啟示。






Monday, January 30, 2006


彼得杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker 1909-2005)是當代世界最著名的企業管理顧問,由於他在管理學上的偉大成就,被尊為“現代管理學”之父。他的名言不但被企管人視為金句,對同學和在職的年青人都有很大的啟發。









“下一個社會是知識經濟的時代。知識經濟時代中,公司最重要的資產不再是土地、資本或設 備,而是員工腦袋里的知識、智能和本領。”



Sunday, January 29, 2006





BBC 中文網

早前曾經和同學討論如何利用BBC 新聞網學英語,詳情可參考我在9月20日和12月4日的日誌。除了對學習英語有用之外,BBC 中文網更加可以幫助同學改善普通話水平,同學只要登入網上點播就可以收聽普通話節目,內容是關於國際大事和今日中國,除了可以學好普通話外,更可加深對國家和時事的了解,所以不容錯過。此外,網站還有一個名為Learning English 的超連結,同學可以學到一些日常使用的英語、商業英語、基本的文法和發音,一些互動的生字遊戲更加可以增加同學學習英語的興趣。如果同學每天都花一小時用這些資源學習語文,你的英語和普通話必有長足的進步。

BBC 中文網的URL 是

山 水 傳 奇

山 水 傳 奇

捕 蛇 者 說
水 中 花
我 為 蘭 狂
飛 舞 的 色 彩 - 蝴 蝶
我 樹 之 間
昆 蟲 記
香 港 蛙 蛙 叫
蝙 蝠 之 迷

Saturday, January 28, 2006

In search of Sargassm (半葉馬尾藻)

Last month, my family spent a day in Clearwater Way Bay. It was a warm, sunny day with gentle breezes. My daughter enjoyed building sand castles and chasing waves. As she kicked the waves, her feet got entangled by something brown and slimy in appearance. She was so curious about this brown stuff and asked me whether it was living or not. I took a look at it and recognized that it was Sargassm, a seaweed commonly found in local water in Winter and Spring. Unlike its close relative Fucus, Sargassm is a free drifter throughout its life and has no holdfast to make a firm grip on the rock surface. I also showed my daughter how Sargassm adapts to this mode of life by equipping its leaf blade with air bladders, which provides buoyancy to keep the plant body at full exposure to sunlight and thus maximizes the photosynthetic efficiency.

My daughter seemed to be bored by my explanation. She was only interested in collecting seaweeds from the beach and throwing them back to the sea. So I stopped explaining and just played with my daughter.

It was a lovely and enjoyable family day.

Thursday, January 26, 2006




「我的成長期,是靠運動訓練意志 ,之前形勢不好,也要繼續前行,不能放棄。


香港大學化學系系主任——任詠華 ,剛剛拿了國家自然科學獎二等獎。



Wednesday, January 25, 2006




自從母語教學實施後,眼見學生的英語水平每況愈下,實在令人婉惜。儘管政府不斷開動宣傳機器,拿出片面的數據去支持母語教育如何優勝,但都不能改變家長和學校的看法 — 母語教學是稍遜的。君不先每年會考放榜,教統局便急不及待向傳媒發表母語教學下學生成績如何進步云云,那一邊廂,傳媒追訪成績優良的中中學生如何在尋找中六學位時碰釘,及如何克服在中六因教學語言改變而面對的學習困難。如果政府認為中中和英中的水平是一樣的,為什麼只容許收生組別和老師語文水平較佳的中學實施英語教學,強制性的母語教育,令到整個教育界陷入階級性的矛盾當中。從此「中中」和「英中」的標籤取代了一間學校的內涵,就算教統局官僚一百個不承認,母語教學政策令香港大部份的學校背負反感的標籤,這個事實無論教師、家長和學生都只可以吞聲忍氣地接受。



今天的學校愈來愈像工廠的生產線,學生可比喻為原材料,經過幾年的「加工」後,便成為有用之才。而增值指標就是這間工廠的品質管制(QC),增值指標是基於會考和高考的成績來計算,政府一方面鼓勵發展學生多方面的才能,但一方面就以公開考試的成績來定奪一間學校增值與否,這又是否一個互相矛盾的政策?再者,根據學者的研究,學生的學業成績受不同因素影響,其中以社經背景(Socioeconomic status)和家庭支援尤為重要。如果硬把成績退步的責任全數由老師承擔是極不公平的。當整個社會充滿間責的風氣,為什麼學生和家長可以獨善其身?



Tuesday, January 24, 2006



Saturday, January 21, 2006


我消費,故我在? I BUY, therefore I AM



【獨立媒體】香港,已進入「我消費,故我在」(I buy, therefore I am) 的物慾時代。

「好天買鞋,落雨買鞋,心情好買鞋,心情唔好買鞋 ......」別以為這則商場廣場誇張,原來有38.2%的香港受訪市民未必會在購物前想想所買物品是否有用,也有近三成人坦白承認「愈消費愈滿足」。







1. 根據你的生活經驗,鼓勵不斷購物消費的訊息是否正如作者所言隨處可見?試以例子說 明。
2. 朱仔在文章的開首直截了當地用「我消費,故我在」(I buy, therefore I am)來總括消費主義。她/他並不全盤否定消費帶來的樂趣,但卻指出消費正侵入生活的各個層面,排除其他構成自我的生活面向和價值。你是否同意她/他的觀察?為甚麼?
3. 朱仔認為我們的現代城市儼如一所消費監牢,她/他的意思是甚麼?你認為這個比喻恰當嗎?朱仔同時批評消費主義削平人與人之間的差異,彷彿普羅市民都接受了由商界打造的單一的身份、生活品味和人生理想。但有另一些意見認為消費主義事實上是鼓吹多元,創造差異。從同一型號手機設有數十款不同顏色風格的配件隨意配搭,便說明消費主義為了鼓勵消費比以往更加懂得迎合個人品味。你同意哪一種觀點?為甚麼?試舉例說明。

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A good reference on antibiotic misuse

The Antibiotic Paradox: How the Misuse of Antibiotics Destroys Their Curative Powers by Stuart B. Levy, M.D., Stuart B. Levy updates information on the misuse of antibiotics in general and Cipro in particular, linking new mutations of bacterial resistance to the overuse of Cipro and other important antibiotics. Resistance can lead to disease outbreaks: The Antibiotic Paradox examines the build-up of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria and examines medical and social trends in treatment options.

I read an early edition of this book a few years ago and found it informative and inspiring. The author delineates the mechanism of developing antiobiotic resistance in some bacterial strains in such a way comprehensible to laymen. According to this book, people ranging from farm workers to those working in the medical field used to treat antibiotics as an elixir to all types of diseases in the past. The severity of antibiotic misuse was reflected in the propaganda in the early '60 that boasted the miracle use of antibiotics in promoting health and extending longevity. Based on this belief, the government officials in Thailand made the prescription of antibiotics to sex workers mandatory in a hope that this might stop the spread of syphilis in the country.

The abuse of antibiotics is not only restricted to the medical field. It has become popular in the farming industry. Fodder containing antibiotics is given to livestock as growth promotor. The residues may result in the mutation of antibiotic resistant strains in our normal flora. Despite the non-pathogenic property of the normal flora, mutant genes in the normal floral may get into those disease-causing strains through the plasmids and this may lead to a big trouble.

The most interesting part of this book is its subtle portrayal of the change of perception of people on antibiotics from miracle drugs to nightmare of medical practitioners. The rise of MRSA and other lethal resistant strains has posed threat to the public health. I am pessimistic about this matter becuase antiotics are not only but the last bullet available to fence off bacterial infection.

This book is available at local libraries and the call number is 615.329LEV

抗生素的迷思 : 濫用抗生素對醫學的影響 = The antibiotic paradox : how the misuse of antibiotics detroys their curative powers / 史都華.萊維(Stuart B. Levy)著 ; 林丹卉, 王惟芬譯.

Call number: 418.1 7454

Wednesday, January 18, 2006





China's Talents in exile

The article in SCMP dated 17 January headlined “Surgery needed to plug the brain drain” highlights the problems facing both Communist China and would-be academics in China. With a highly unfavourable environment for research and development, an exodus of aspiring elite scientists has been witnessed over the past few years.

Most of the students/ researchers concurred that “China was still not the easiest place for academics to work because of ambiguities and restrictions in policy.” According to Dr Cao(a scientific policy resercher at the Levin Institute of the State University of New York), “The cost of opportunities for the best and the brightest scientists to work in China is just too high… They (Researchers) don’t know what research is permitted and what is not. They might find themselves having to suddenly stop their research because they are ordered to."

Another problem has something to do with plagiarism and academic corruption. The students studying overseas are prone to dismiss the idea of returning China to serve due to a lack of social justice and a heavy reliance on one's personal network for his success.

Such grave concerns have aggravated the problem and forced them into exile. The most popular country for higher education is the United States, followed by Hong Kong.

I wonder if offering "preferential policies or money to lure the talented back" is really as workable as expected. After all, relaxing restrictions on the freedom of press, the freedom of speech and so on would be the panacea for uprooting the problems.

King Kong Q & A

數天前小清清曾提問有關King Kong存在與否的問題,我和她的對話節錄如下:

清:King Kong 有沒有爸爸媽媽?



父:牠身型如此龐大而且是哺乳類動物,必須每天吃掉最少一個森林內的林葉,方才有足夠的熱量活動,那麼牠又怎可能存活太久呢?既然養活一隻King Kong的可能性低至零,牠又豈能繁殖後代呢?所以牠根本不可能有父母!


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Some useful quotes from HKU Convocation Newsletter

The following quotes from HKU Convocation Newsletter match quite well with my philosophy of learning and self-discipline.

'The best regulations are not written!'

'The best learning earns no credit!'

'Learn from everything!'

'Take nothing for granted!'

'Read ahead and raise questions!'

'The virtues of diligence and obedience should never be allowed to breed yes-men and yes-women.'

' There is no time to waste!'

'To Serve, To Excel!'

I hope the above approaches towards learning and self-discipline also apply to you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A book about thinking

'Teach your Child How to Think' , by Edward de Bono, is intended to give parents and teachers some guidelines on how to develop children's thinking skills. I have read a few chapters. To my disappointment, the first two chapters boast how influential and authoritative the author is in the field of cognitative science and psychology. When I moved on to chapter Three, what I discovered was the concept of 'Six Thinking Hats', an obsolete concept proposed by the author many years ago. I expect something new and inspiring in this book but it fails to meet my expectation.

"Six Thinking Hats' is a mental habit of approaching a problem from six perspectives represented by six hats of different colours. White-hat thinking is to do with information. Red-hat thinking is to do with feelings. The Yellow hat focuses on benefits. The Black hat is used for judgement and assessment. The Green hat is for action and creativity and the Blue hat is for the control of the thinking process itself. One advantage of the 'Six Thinking Hats' is that it can force you to deliberately think about an issue from multiple facets. However, as I practice the 'Six Thinking Hats' I find it quite difficult to partition my thought into six categories. The deliberate use of 'Six-thinking hats' may sometimes complicate the problem. Maybe it takes time to devleop this habit so eventually this particular way of thinking may seamlessly merge your routine mental work.

The author also suggests the sequence use of 'Six Thinking Hats' in different scenarios. The following paragraphs on sequential use are quoted from the book.

Scenario 1

Seeking an Idea:

The sequence of hat colours might be:

White: To gather available information.
Green: For further exploration and to generate alternatives.
Yellow: To assess the benefits and feasibility of each alternatives.
Black: To assess the weaknesses and dangers of each alternative.
Green: To develop further the most promising alternatives and to make a choice.
Blue: To summarize and assess what has been achieved so far.
Black: To make the final judgement on the chosen alternative.
Red: To find out the feelings on the outcome.

Scenario 2
Reacting to a Presented Idea:

Here the sequence is different because the idea is known and usually, the background infromation is also known.

Red: To find out the existing feelings about the idea.
Yellow: To make an effort to find the benefits in the idea.
Black: To point out weaknesses, problems and dangers in the idea.
Green: To see if the idea can be modified to strengthen the yellow-hat benefits and to overcome the black-hat problems.
Green: Development of the final suggestion.
Black: Judgement of the final suggestion.
Red: To find out the feelings on the outcome.

Do you find the above sequences useful? You can try these in solving problems and see whether they work or not.

This book is available at local libraries and the call number is 153.4 DEB

Saturday, January 07, 2006




Honour Killing = Horror Killing

The following article on 'Honour Killing' is quoted from my wife's webblog. I would like to share with you this article because most of us living in Hong Kong may not be aware that human rights and free will are too romote from women living in the tribal Islamic male-dominant world.

'I can't imagine that I am still terribly upset 16 hours after watching a programme on National Geographic channel last night about the plight of women in Pakistan and Lebanon. Cases of married and single women who got burnt half-dead or even got shot by their own families have been so common that people in the Middle East have taken it as something quite normal.

Quoted from, the men say the wife didn't obey their orders, or was having relations with someone else. The police often say it is a domestic matter and refuse to pursue the case. Some judges even justify it and do not consider it murder." (Constable, "The Price of 'Honour.'") Such crimes are also rife in Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan, where some 2,200 women are disfigured every year in acid attacks by jealous or estranged men. (Ellen Goodman, "How Long Before We Take the Honor out of Killing?," The Washington Post [in the Guardian Weekly, April 6-12, 2000.)

These women were killed for bringing "SHAME" to their families or fighting against family pressures. "SHAMEFUL ACTS" include: suspected adultery, pre-martial sex and refusal to marry in accordance with their family's choice. All these have something to do with the deprivation of free will to make choices and make decisions on their own.

The worst part of the programme was a disfigured pregnant married woman whose biological brother tried to get her a sponsored plastic surgery in the United States so that she could have a reconstructed nose for the half-cut nose(she still could smell, I guess), a pair of reengineered ears for the half-removed ears(she still could hear) and two eye balls(not real ones!) stuck into the two hollow holes. How terrifying it was!

Another story was how a female Pakistan who strived to fight for women's rights helped those abused and half-dead females. According to her, some families killed their daughters because they came back from the abusive husbands and decided to file a divorce. The families thought "the declaration of independence" had brought shame to the families. Another case was that a woman who was burnt nearly to death by her husband's family had been locked inside a room for four months without any treatment till the skin of the whole body turned to be watery dead meat. I covered my daughter's crying eyes immediately, yet she kept asking why and who did it. I told her the naughty and malicious men had done so.

In spite of being treated in a public hospital, the victim still longed for a "reunion" with the cold-blooded butcher and her husband once she has recovered. What an ignorant and uneducated woman she is! She is sort of human sacrifice on the altar in the modern world. How could that happen frequently in rural regions in the tribal Islamic male-dominant world? How lucky I am to have received higher education, to enjoy freedom of movement and freedom of speech here in Hong Kong!'

Friday, January 06, 2006

新 世 紀 人 類 工 程

新 世 紀 人 類 工 程

必 經 大 腦
天 命 可 遺
新 世 代 食 糧
絕 處 逢 生
複 製 之 謎
病 毒 世 紀

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

健 康 大 道

RTHK Program Archives
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 十 五 集 (老 齡 化 有 關 的 誤 解)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 十 四 集 (有 仔 趁 嫩 生)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 十 三 集 (雄 性 脫 髮)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 十 二 集 (食 物 敏 感)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 十 一 集 (超 時 工 作)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 十 集 (中 醫 跌 打)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 九 集 (失 眠)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 八 集 (中 醫)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 七 集 (高 血 壓)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 六 集 (呼 吸 道 毛 病)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 五 集 (健 康 的 定 義)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 四 集 (生 理 性 衰 老)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 三 集 (肥 胖 學 童)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 二 集 (痴 呆 症)
《 健 康 大 道 》 第 一 集 (沒 有 疾 病 的 身 體 不 適)

Hong Kong Connection

Ready To Respond迎 戰 世 紀 大 流 感

The Globe Is Warming與 天 地 同 行

The Avian Threat ( 山 雨 欲 來 )

A War Without Guns沒 有 槍 炮 的 戰 爭

The New Green Generation ( 綠 色 新 一 代 )

Global Aid for AIDS

RTHK Program Archives
South Africa and Uganda: The Tales of African Women
China: Any Harm?
Hong Kong: Love Disparity
Brazil: The Samba Medication
China : “ Too Poor to be sick ”
United States: Tainted Rainbow
China: Nipping AIDS in the bud
Cambodia: Drifters
Ukraine: The Forlorn Needle
Thailand : The Sirens

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Good Samaritans

The software giant Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda and the Irish rocker, Bono are TIME’s Persons of the Year. They are celebrities sharing something in common, rich and famous. They are selected for the Person’s of the Year not because of their wealth and fame but their unreserved effort and influence they put on helping those who suffer in the poor Third World.

Bill and Melinda are co-founders of the world’s wealthiest charitable foundation. Bono makes use of its influence to persuade the world’s leaders to take global poverty on by reducing debt of the Third World.

The plight of people living the poor developing countries may sometimes be overshadowed by media-catching catastrophes such as Tsunami and hurricane Katrina. Malaria kills two African children a minute, round the clock. In that minute a woman dies from complications during pregnancy, nine people get infected with HIV, three people die of TB. A vast host of aid workers, NGOs and governmental organizations have struggled for years to get ahead of the problem but often fell behind. Cultural differences further complicate the problem. In Muslim parts of Ethiopia, aid workers can’t talk to teenage girls about condoms to prevent AIDS; but in Tanzania they are encouraged to. How you cut an umbilical cord can determine whether a baby risks a fatal infection, but every culture has its own traditions. They cut with a coin for luck in Nepal and a stone in Bolivia, where they think if you use a razor blade the child will grow up to be a thief.

There is no one-size-fit-all solution for all countries. Bill’s foundation and Bono’ effort act as a catalyst to pull the politicians, philanthropists and experts at all levels to think globally and act carefully in response to the actual needs of the underprivileged. We desperately need more ‘Good Samaritans’ to bring in social justice and make the world a better place to live for all.

Hypoxia may be the culprit of sex transposition in fish

A recent study by local marine scientists reveals that hypoxia may be the cause of sex transposition in fish. In this research, carps growing in the hypoxic water have smaller sex organs, lower sperm activity and survival rate. After growing in the hypoxic water for several generations, the sex ratio tends to become imbalance as evident by the domination of male and virtually no female in the population of the progeny.

Researchers explained that an enzyme CYP19, an important protein in sex determination, is interfered under the hypoxic environment and renders fish inability of producing female sex hormone and this leads to the domination of male in the progeny.

The problem of hypoxia in marine environment is a global problem. The water is defined as hypoxic if the dissolved oxygen is lower than 2.8mg per liter. The area of hypoxic ocean is equivalent to the size of three Japan(s). The condition in Hong Kong is not too bad. Occasional hypoxia is found in Deep Bay and the dissolved oxygen in the other nine water pollution control zones is well above 4mg per liter.

There are natural and human causes of hypoxia. The meeting of sea water with freshwater results in the formation of water layers of different densities and this may form barriers slowing down the dissolution of oxygen in the water body. Global warming leading to the rise of sea temperature further aggravates the problem. Besides, organic pollution and eutrophication promote the extensive growth of algae, which leads to the red tide and it is one of the major human causes of marine hypoxia.

Sex transposition caused by hypoxia may further drive some rare but commercially important species such as Cheilinus undulates (NAPOLEON WRASSE), already over-fished, to the verge of extinction. To save our precious renewable resources such as fish, we need not only the effort of scientists but also the strong political will and concerted efforts of leaders from governmental and non-governmental organizations all over the world.