Thursday, January 19, 2006

A good reference on antibiotic misuse

The Antibiotic Paradox: How the Misuse of Antibiotics Destroys Their Curative Powers by Stuart B. Levy, M.D., Stuart B. Levy updates information on the misuse of antibiotics in general and Cipro in particular, linking new mutations of bacterial resistance to the overuse of Cipro and other important antibiotics. Resistance can lead to disease outbreaks: The Antibiotic Paradox examines the build-up of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria and examines medical and social trends in treatment options.

I read an early edition of this book a few years ago and found it informative and inspiring. The author delineates the mechanism of developing antiobiotic resistance in some bacterial strains in such a way comprehensible to laymen. According to this book, people ranging from farm workers to those working in the medical field used to treat antibiotics as an elixir to all types of diseases in the past. The severity of antibiotic misuse was reflected in the propaganda in the early '60 that boasted the miracle use of antibiotics in promoting health and extending longevity. Based on this belief, the government officials in Thailand made the prescription of antibiotics to sex workers mandatory in a hope that this might stop the spread of syphilis in the country.

The abuse of antibiotics is not only restricted to the medical field. It has become popular in the farming industry. Fodder containing antibiotics is given to livestock as growth promotor. The residues may result in the mutation of antibiotic resistant strains in our normal flora. Despite the non-pathogenic property of the normal flora, mutant genes in the normal floral may get into those disease-causing strains through the plasmids and this may lead to a big trouble.

The most interesting part of this book is its subtle portrayal of the change of perception of people on antibiotics from miracle drugs to nightmare of medical practitioners. The rise of MRSA and other lethal resistant strains has posed threat to the public health. I am pessimistic about this matter becuase antiotics are not only but the last bullet available to fence off bacterial infection.

This book is available at local libraries and the call number is 615.329LEV

抗生素的迷思 : 濫用抗生素對醫學的影響 = The antibiotic paradox : how the misuse of antibiotics detroys their curative powers / 史都華.萊維(Stuart B. Levy)著 ; 林丹卉, 王惟芬譯.

Call number: 418.1 7454


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