Thursday, May 20, 2010

An interesting example of artificial selection

Heikea japonica crab is found in Japanese waters. The pattern on the back of the crab resembles the face of a samurai warrior. Owing to Japanese respect for samurai warriors, those crabs with carapace pattern resemblance to a warrior's face were less likely be eaten than others. Generations of superstitious fishemen threw back the crabs that resembles human faces into the sea. As the generations passed, crabs resembling human faces survived better and passed on the genes responsible for this particular feature to their offspring. The product of this cultiral based 'artificial selection' is a species of crab with the carapace pattern perfectly resembling the fiercely grimacing face of a samurai warrior.


Can the evolution of Heikea japonica happ
en outside Japanese waters? Why?

Sunday, May 09, 2010



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