Monday, March 29, 2010

HKDSE Liberal Studies Sample Paper

'Low socio-economic status is the main cause of domestic violence in Hong Kong.' Do you agree to this statement? Explain your answer in the light of the above cartoon and according to your knowledge.

Framework of the essay:
(1) State your stance on this issue--> (2)Causes of domestic violence based on studies--> (3)State whether 'low socio-economic status' will aggravate the causes-->(4)conclusion

I agree to the statement that 'low socio-economic status is the main cause of domestic violence in Hong Kong'. According to studies conducted by some Non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong, Causes of domestic violence fall into three categories. They are psychological, social and socio-cultural in nature. Psychological causes are intrinsic in nature. People suffering from psychological disorders are more prone to committing domestic violence. Social causes of domestic violence are well known in Hong Kong. Offenders, learning from their peers or not knowing how to relieve their stress properly, vent their grievance and emotional stress arising from economic hardship and poor relationship with family members by bullying others. Socio-cultural causes are closely related to gender stereotyping in society. When there is a reversal of gender roles expected by society. For instance, women play the role as breadwinners and men take up the job of bringing up children. Those who are reluctant to accept the new gender role are more likely to suffer from psychological stress, which may be translated into domestic violence.

Low socio-economic status may not be the direct cause of domestic violence, but it does aggravate the direct causes mentioned above. People from the low social class hardly make a living. According to the information provided in the cartoons, there is an increaing trend of widening rich and poor gap in Hong Kong. People of the low social class are usually not well educated and easily fall victim to the economic transformation. They are more prone to unemployment and unfair treatment. Under the severe stress resulted from economic hardship, they are more likely to be inflicted by psychiatric diseases. Without proper medical treatment, their deteriorating psychological health may prompt them to commit domestic violence.

Social causes of domestic violence are closely related to socio-economic status. Owing to their low education level, people with the low socio-economic status are less well equipped with the skills required for coping with stress. In addition, they learn from their peers the use of violence to vent the grievance and stress. They don't know the proper way of dealing with stress resulted from poor family relationship such as improving communication with family members and showing them empathy.

The role of men as breadwinners in the family is well perceived in our society. As mentioned before, the widening rich and poor gap can be interpreted as high unemployment rate among people of the low socio-economic class. When a man loses his job, he can't accept the reality because he strongly believes that a man should play a dominant role in the family. If he takes up the job of bringing up children at home, a stereotyped role that a woman is expected to play, he may not be able to withstand the pressure from society. Even if he can, his spouse's meagre income cannot support the family's needs. The unwilling acceptance of the new gender role together with economic hardship can drive a man to the verge of emotional breakdown, which may be manifested in the form of domestic violence.

In conclusion, low socio-economic status may not be the direct cause of domestic violence, but it does aggravates the direct causes of domestic violence. It is not surprising to find that many cases of domestic violence in Hong Kong usually come from the low socio-economic class. The statement, 'Low socio-economic status is the main cause of domestic violence in Hong Kong', is not only grounded on evidence but also a reality in local context.

Friday, March 12, 2010

跨單元議題 - 中國愛滋病的防治

中四同學學習通識科的流程多以單元為本,尤其是以教科書作為主要學習素材,此情況就更為普遍。單元為本的最大流弊是同學會容易忽略某些議題的跨單元特性,例如有關 "中國愛滋病的防治"這議題,當中牽涉最少二個單元的概念,包括單元五(公共衛生)和單元三(現代中國)。要處理好這類跨單元的議題,同學首要找到一個立足點作主線,以本議題為例,同學應該先掌握公共衛生單元中有關愛滋病防治的基本概念,然後再擴展到現代中國這條副線,思考中國農村面對的問題,例如:貧窮、農民衛生知識貧乏、資訊不流通和地方官員的失職如何使疾病蔓延的情況惡化。


(1) 先掌握基礎知識
例如愛滋病的成因、傳染方法及有關中國愛滋病的流行病學數據 (可參考香港愛滋病資訊網

(2) 根據所搜集的資料分析中國愛滋病的流行病學參數(例如:感染HIV的人口、地區分佈的特性、性別分佈及年齡分佈等)

(3) 反思現時中國的國情會減低愛滋病的蔓延還是會使之惡化?

(a) 隨著國家的財政儲備高速增長,衛生部門將獲得更多資源購買或研發新藥以舒緩疫情。
(b) 國家有更多資源投放在愛滋病的預防教育方面。

(a) 部分地區幹部視愛滋病為忌諱,打壓維權人士,限制非政府組織的工作,使愛滋病的預防工作事倍功半。
(b) 內地嚴格的戶籍政策,造成農民工及其配偶長期分開,導致民工嫖妓的問題,性濫交加快愛滋病的蔓延。

(4) 最後同學可建立自己的分析框架,然後回答以下一道問題作課後總結。

政府的取態、民眾對疾病的認識及政治自由度如何影響國家的愛滋病防治工作? 你對國家將來的愛滋病感染情況是樂觀還是悲觀呢?為什麼?


政府的取態 – 如果政府隱瞞愛滋病疫情,民眾對疾病的傳播一無所知,預防工作無從談起,疾病只會加速蔓延,對防治工作帶來負面的影響。

民眾對疾病的認識 – 民眾對愛滋病的傳播方式和危險性有基本的認識就懂得保護自己,對高風險的性行為、賣血和針筒吸毒等的高危行為有所防範,大大降低受感染的機會,如果疾病預防做得好,可大幅減低政府的財政負擔。

政治自由度- 政治自由度高的政府容許較高的新聞自由和言論自由,傳媒可以起監察政府的作用,把官員失職的實況公告天下。此外傳媒可以發揮教育民眾的功能,把預防愛滋病的訊息廣為宣傳,使防治工作更為有效。在高政治自由度的社會,非政府組織有較大的活動空間,它們可分擔政府部分愛滋病的預防工作,對疾病的防治帶來正面的影響。

悲觀 – 新聞自由和非政府組織的活動有收緊之嫌,如果將來發生同類事件而民眾無法得知疫情就會惡化。

樂觀 – 中央政府投放更多資源在愛滋病的預防工作,隨醫學科技的發展新藥可望有效治療愛滋病。亙聯網的發展使民眾多了一個平台監察政府和傳播訊息,突破政府的封鎖。

Understanding HIV and AIDS (HIV #1


高潔的精神(上) - 專訪高耀潔醫生@頭條新聞2010年2月20日(足本)

高潔的精神(下) - 專訪高耀潔醫生@頭條新聞2010年2月20日(足本)