Saturday, December 31, 2005

Singapore's Minister Mentor

The last issue of TIME dated 12 December features an exclusive interview with Lee Kuan Yew. Among the 10 pages, I found a few lines a real must-read highlight. They concern how Lee sees the notion of democracy being non-applicable in Singapore and how he sees China as a nation of rising threat.

He considers the misuse and the excess of democracy exercised in some places "has tempered steady economic progress and the betterment of the life chances of ordinary folk". The example cited is the Philippines where chaos has been evident in the marketplace of ideas. He keeps saying that he welcomes dissenting voices if they are persuasive and constructive. Then when asked why he does not allow oppposition forces, freedom of speech and so on, he compares Singaporeans with Americans.

"Americans can have a marketplace of ideas. For example, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 was a box-office hit. Americans enjoyed their President being mocked and satirized. But the majority voted for Bush in November 2004. When we have a large enough educated population like America, able to make independent judgments, we will loosen up. But even without the cacophony, all ideas are accessible in the media and the Internet."

What a hypocritical remark! Everyone who reads about world affairs knows that average US citizens, especially those who don't live along the coastal regions and in the very urbanised states care about what is featured on TV as games shows and soap opera. That explains why the documentary programmes like 60 Minutes Plus and 20/20 are never their choices. Most of these so-called educated population blindly supported Bush for the war against Iraq as the duty of the world police who aim at maintaining law and order all over the world without any selfish cause.

He responds to the question of whether the over-reliance of Singaporeans on the government has something to do with the lack of freedom granted to the citizens by confusing TIME's readers with the egg-and-chicken philosophical answer.

"Should I have fostered more free enterprise, more do-it-yourself? Yes. But free enterprise was not working [for us] because we did not have enough entrepreneurs."

"Hong Kong started with successful businessmen from mainland China, after '49. They were the business élite of the coastal regions. They were not just merchants. They knew how to run a shipping line, how to start a textile factory, run a bank and so on. We had traders, not manufacturers. Why did we [the government] start a shipping line? Because we didn't have a Y.K. Pao or a C.Y. Tung as in Hong Kong. The same with Singapore Airlines, and so with an iron and steel mill. How do we get out of these companies now? To get out, we've got to find a buyer who can provide the management to take over. We produced the bright officers who are good at numbers and who learned on the job. They did a great job. We don't want to do that anymore. If SIA can be run by some corporate group, we want to get out of it. But who in Singapore? Have we got a Li Ka-shing?"

Excuse me, isn't it because Hong Kong is a place where free flow of ideas is allowed, where citizens enjoy freedom of press and freedom of speech to certain extent that attributes to the degradation of morality(I mean the covers of the gossipy magazines are 100% pornographic)? Lee blames the excessive government intervention for a lack of qualified managerial people. Given that no perfect market information plus obstruction of free ideas, how could able people be more open-minded enough to embrace changes?

A GOOD point he raises in the interview:

He comments on the dangerous rise of China as a world power and an Asian leading power due to the idea of patriotism built in the youngsters' mind deliberately by the communist regime, which is a threat to the neighbouring countries and even the whole world. He cited incidents like how the Chinese expressed their anti-Japanese feelings in an aggressive manner and how his son and Singapore were defamed as traitors on China's Internet chatrooms upon his son's visit to Taiwan last year.

Yes, he has made a very good point. Though Japan's Government refuses to do what the Germans did, Chinese people should deal with the internation relations diplomatically if China really wants to be respected as a modern nation of the new century and if China still wants to be a host of various international functions like the upcoming Olympic event.

For those who are interested in the full report, please refer to:

Thursday, December 29, 2005








Wednesday, December 28, 2005

One year after the catastrophe

An earthquake beneath the ocean sent gigantic waves ashore killing 200,000 people last year. Images from mass media showing piles of bodies and seriously devastated villages were a great shock to many people. Mobile phones with camera and video functions enable survivors of the disaster to disseminate live video clips and photos to news agencies almost immediately after the strike of Tsunami. The widespread of visual information about the catastrophe with the help of the Internet and major news agencies drew global attention and touched the hearts of millions all over the world. The overwhelming report of the disaster by mass media resulted in an unprecedented amount of aid and support for millions of victims scourged by the December 26th Tsunami.

Beyond the suffering and carnage, the Tsunami was a big test to the capacity and will of the international community, states, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in coping with global crisis of this scale. Lessons learnt from this disaster were valuable experiences to all parties concerned on how to effectively deliver aid and support to victims of other natural disasters.

I hope the overwhelming coverage of Tsunami by media would not draw people’s attention away from those underprivileged who are scourged by infectious diseases, hunger and wars everyday. Hundreds of thousands of children starve and die of malnutrition each day. They are deprived of the right of education and proper healthcare. Their plight is unseen to many owing to its minimal coverage in mass media. The Collaborative efforts of NGOs, governmental organizations and mass media did a great job in the Tsunami crisis and it would be a good news to hear if they did the same in response to other long forgotten misfortunes.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Life In The Undergrowth

Invertebrates. For every one of us, there are 200 million of them.
David Attenborough reveals the amazing stories behind these tiny lives.

Monday, December 26, 2005

十 本 好 書

十 本 好 書

第 十 集 《 The Effective Executive 》 ‧ 作 者 : Peter F. Drucker ; 推 薦 者 : 王 永 平
第 九 集 《 外 交 十 記 》 作 者 : 錢 其 琛 ; 推 薦 者 : 鄭 耀 棠
第 八 集 《 愛 與 音 樂 同 行 》
第 七 集 《 帶 一 本 書 去 巴 黎 》 作 者 : 林 達 ; 推 薦 者 : 張 文 光
第 六 集 《 我 的 名 字 叫 紅 》 作 者 : 奧 罕 ‧ 帕 ; 推 薦 者 : 楊 千 嬅
第 五 集 《 Twenty-First Century Plague - The Story of SARS 》 作 者 : Thomas Abraham ; 推 薦 者 : 林 兆 鑫
第 四 集 《 在 天 堂 遇 見 的 五 個 人 》 ‧ 作 者 : 米 奇 ‧ 艾 爾 邦 ; 推 薦 者 : 陳 智 思
第 三 集 《 牧 羊 少 年 奇 幻 之 旅 》 作 者 : 保 羅 ‧ 科 爾 賀 ; 推 薦 者 : 方 敏 生
第 二 集 《 以 塗 鴉 對 抗 填 鴨 》 作 者 : 藍 劍 虹 ; 推 薦 者 : 靳 埭 強
第 一 集 《 知 識 分 子 論 》 作 者 : 薩 依 德 ; 推 薦 者 : 李 歐 梵

放 虎 歸 山

放 虎 歸 山

「 放 虎 歸 山 - 下 集 」
「 放 虎 歸 山 - 上 集 」

減 廢 之 都

減 廢 之 都

改 爐 換 面
責 任 完 不 了
建 設 還 是 破 壞
再 生 源
第 一 步
垃 圾 , 不 能 承 受 的 重

Sunday, December 25, 2005

醫 學 神 探

醫 學 神 探

百 年 瘟 疫 ( 下 )
百 年 瘟 疫 ( 上 )
病 源 ( 下 )
病 源 ( 上 )
傷 口 勿 浸 水 ( 下 )
傷 口 勿 浸 水 ( 上 )
白 晝 的 恐 懼
黃 昏 的 殺 手
蔓 延 ( 下 )
蔓 延 ( 上 )

Saturday, December 24, 2005

傑 出 華 人 系 列

基 因 診 斷 之 父 」 簡 悅 威
對 于 遺 傳 病 ﹐ 我 們 向 來 只 能 逆 來 順 受 。 是 他 證 明 痛 苦 原 來 可 以 避 免 。
因 為 他 ﹐ 萬 千 地 中 海 貧 血 症 家 庭 可 以 重 獲 新 生 ﹐ 過 千 種 遺 傳 病 的 面 紗 被 揭 開 ﹐ 人 類 得 以 展 開 龐 大 浩 瀚 的 基 因 組 研 究 計 劃 。
他 是 簡 悅 威 ﹐ 來 自 香 港 的 著 名 遺 傳 學 家 。 他 出 生 名 門 ﹐ 父 親 是 東 亞 銀 行 創 辦 人 ﹐ 但 卻 捨 棄 安 逸 ﹐ 踏 上 艱 辛 的 研 究 之 路 。 70 年 代 ﹐ 他 發 現 地 中 海 貧 血 症 源 於 基 因 缺 失 ﹐ 並 創 立 產 前 診 斷 ﹐ 通 過 抽 羊 水 為 胎 兒 驗 症 ﹐ 被 譽 為 “ 基 因 診 斷 之 父 ” 。 萬 千 家 庭 因 為 他 的 發 現 而 得 以 擺 脫 傳 染 病 的 痛 苦 。 他 的 診 斷 方 法 一 直 沿 用 至 今 。
簡 悅 威 後 來 發 現 了 基 因 的 一 個 特 性 -- 多 態 性 。 根 據 這 個 發 現 ﹐ 科 學 家 幾 乎 可 以 追 蹤 所 有 遺 傳 病 。 現 代 法 醫 學 因 此 誕 生 ﹐ 人 類 的 基 因 組 研 究 計 劃 亦 因 此 得 以 展 開 。
他 稱 自 己 為 “ A Slow Boat from China ” ﹐ 雖 然 慢 ﹐ 但 最 終 駛 向 成 功 的 彼 岸 。 他 以 自 己 的 人 生 證 明 ﹐ 一 個 人 無 論 多 平 凡 ﹐ 只 要 專 注 ﹐ 就 會 成 功 。
導 演 : 呂 樂
監 製 : 張 國 良

This programme is very inspiring. I strongly recommend this documentary programme to our students who aspire to be a biomedical scientist.

Friday, December 23, 2005

All because of model airplanes

If you are interested in the history of model airplanes, the video in the following website is very informative. Enjoy!

A Guide to Critical Thinking

The book "Asking the right questions" written by M.N. Brownw and Stuart M. Keeley is a useful guide for students who want to improve the skills of critical thinking. Here I would like to extract the gist that may help our students to have a jump start on the road leading to critical thinking.

List of critical questions

  1. What are the issues and the conclusions?
  2. What are the reasons?
  3. Which words or phrases are ambiguous?
  4. What are the value conflicts and assumptions?
  5. What are the descriptive assumptions?
  6. Are there any fallacies in the reasoning?
  7. How good is the evidence?
  8. Are there rival causes?
  9. Are the statistics deceptive?
  10. What significant information is omitted?
  11. What reasonable conclusions are possible?

This book is available at local public libraries and the call number is 153BRO

Saturday, December 17, 2005

管 理 新 思 維

管 理 新 思 維
The following programmes are fruit for thought on management and leadership. They are inspiring and interesting.

Please check the following website for programme archives.

如 何 提 升 香 港 香 港 競 爭 力 ? -- 物 流 業 的 角 度
科 技 創 業
香 港 如 何 培 育 未 來 人 才 ? -- 從 法 律 界 出 發
酒 店 管 理
主 題 公 園 ABC
基 建 項 目 的 建 造 , 營 運 及 轉 移
如 何 成 為 CEO
新 瓶 舊 酒 新 思 維
CEO 的 秘 密 - II
香 港 的 鐘 錶 業 發 展
CEO 的 秘 密 -I
以 學 生 為 本 -- 左 圈 理 論 III
不 一 樣 的 管 理 教 育
管 理 大 未 來
管 理 六 宗 罪
左 圈 理 論 : 顧 客 深 層 意 義 之 二
武 學 與 管 理
專 案 管 理 ( 項 目 管 理 )
水 滸 傳 的 M&A
讀 詩 . 學 管 理
從 三 國 論 管 理
管 理 金 律 II
管 理 金 律
顧 客 深 層 意 義
CEPA 回 顧 與 前 瞻
火 鳳 凰 傳 奇
如 何 在 中 國 建 立 品 牌
自 由 行 旅 客 帶 來 的 商 機
溝 通 技 巧

Friday, December 16, 2005



A useful reference for those who study economics.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005



The great instrument of moral good is the imagination

The following excerpt from 'How We Live' is so inspiring and I would like to share it with you.

'Imagination enables us to understand one another, and through the understanding to feel love. Love, in turn, is the basis of morality. Here is the writings of a young English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelly, in A Defence of Poetry.

The great secret of morals is love; or a going out of our own nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own. A man to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own.

He is telling us that without imagination of another's mind there can be no understanding of that other and therfore no love, and without love, there can be no morality. '


Nuland (1997), How We Live, p. 141, Vintage, U.S.

Monday, December 12, 2005


成功永遠是躲在失敗的後面。所以如果你尚未成功時,一碰到挫折就自動放棄,那麼你永遠與成功無緣。 在遇到逆境時,不能盲目地、焦躁地去尋找解決問題的方法,更不能輕言放棄,那樣只能會使你更加被動。

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Some advice for the MC6 next week

Things to avoid next week

1) Stay away from Wanchai area as well as the Pacific Place area
2) Take other public transport instead of MTR during that week
3) Avoid Starbucks. (Starbucks is a possible target because of unfair trade between Starbucks and coffee bean grower)
4) Avoid TST area, especially Cultural Center and the waterfront area.Police forces will be concentrated in Wanchai area, making TST area a vulnerable location for riots
5) Stay away from Victoria Park
6) Listen to the radio frequently for updates of parades routes and STAY AWAY
7) Walk whenever possible because riots could put traffic to a complete halt.

Be alert and be safe! Better be safe than sorry.




Sunday, December 04, 2005

An excellent website for learning English

I introduced to our students the use of BBC website in learning English a few months ago. Some students found it difficult to follow the video clips on news and the major problem is the lack of subtitles. I searched the website again last night and discovered a hyperlink on English learning for students and teachers.

The link is as follows

Unlike the BBC homepage, you can view the whole script while you are listening to the radio in this website. There are also some learning materials on grammar, vocabulary and even street English. So I strongly recommend our students to spend an hour every day on browsing this website if they are eager to improve their English. Hope you enjoy e-learning!

Social responsibility and freedom of press?

Taking a glance at the publications displayed at any newsstands in Hong Kong will give you a rough idea of how shallow and bad taste our popular culture is. The most popular publications dominating the eye-catching corners are gossipy magazines, presented themselves as pornography with naked women and sex hitting the cover story in almost every issue. The worst of all is that these magazines are easily accessible to young people of all ages. The present law restricts the sale of pornographic materials to young people under the age of 18 by making it mandatory to wrap the magazines in a plastic bag with a printed warning. This may not stop the sale of these materials but at least making them less easily available to young people. However, the law has no effect on gossipy magazines, which are freely accessible to kids and young people.

Based on my observation, these popular magazines do have detrimental effects on the value and moral development of young people. The purposeful degradation of the role of women as sex objects and showing dolls with emphases on their figure gives our young people the wrong message on the social role of women. If you pay a visit to any secondary school in Hong Kong on a hot summer day, you will find a weird phenomenon – the girls always put on their sweaters no matter whether the temperature is 30ºC or 35ºC. Do they feel hot and uncomfortable? Yes, but they still want to keep their sweaters on because they don’t want their figure been seen. They have their self-image solely built upon the so-called ‘perfect figure’as depicted in these popular magazines. What a shame we have a popular culture of teasing women based on their appearance and figure in such a modern city as claimed by our officials. Apart from damaging the morality of our students, the spread of this culture may aggravate the problem of eating disorders. Despite the lack of scientific evidence showing the correlation between this culture and the occurrence of eating disorders, I do see a rise in the cases of eating disorders in some schools under the influence of this culture.

Should we have a tighter scrutiny on the contents of these popular magazines? It is a controversial issue inviting debate over the balance between social responsibility and freedom of press. Hong Kong is proud of her freedom in all aspects except the right of universal suffrage. If we maintain the status-quo, putting no strict scrutiny on the possible pornographic contents available in these magazines, believing that our young people can make the right judgment, we actual assume that our schools and families will do the job of proper guidance. However, how valid is this assumption? It’s time for us to think about this issue and society as a whole to reach a consensus on tipping the right balance between social responsibility and freedom of press.