Saturday, August 23, 2008




Friday, August 22, 2008

下一個衝突熱點北極 – 北極



Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Arctic – an emerging ‘flashpoint’

Global warming is getting worse and the rise in temperature causes ice-caps in the Arctic region to melt at an unprecedented speed. Scientists and environmentalists are worried about the impacts brought about by the massive loss of ice-caps on the global climate and Arctic’s ecosystem. However, leaders of Western powers only keep their eyes on natural resources locked up under the molten ice-caps. Russia’s jaunty placing of a flag on the sea-bed in an attempt to claim the sovereignty of the territory has provoked America, Demark, Norway and Canada, which could also like to claim a slice of the region. Amid them some are going to flex their muscles by launching naval exercise to fence off the potential contenders. Contending nations do not only care about the oil and gas resources, but also the control of the natural canal opened up due to the massive loss of ice-caps.

Russia’s economy relies heavily on the export of oil and gas. Any expectation of Russia to loosen her grip on the Arctic region is unrealistic. Melting ice-caps in the Arctic makes this barren place more accessible and this implies a lower cost of tapping oil and gas in the region. Oil and gas will still be in short supply in the foreseeable future. Owing to the increasing eagerness of contending powers to secure self-economic interest, it is not difficult to expect the Arctic region to become a new ‘flashpoint’, where occasional military conflicts could be inevitable.

Monday, August 18, 2008


環球科學(Scientific American)六月號一篇關於物種分類的文章值得同學細閱。一直以來我對教科書上種的定義都深信不疑,這定義是由德國鳥類學家(Ernst Mayr)於1942年提出,根據他的說法,種是一系列種群,而種群內的成員能夠互相交配繁殖,却不能與其他種群的成員成功交配繁殖。但大自然很多物種分類的例子都不能簡單套用這教科書的標準定義,生物學家對一些看來差異相當大却能夠正常交配繁殖的種依然大感不解。例如科學家最近在墨西哥發現300萬年前從共同袓先分化出來的兩種猴子(長毛吼猴和懶猴)經常進行文配繁殖,哪麼牠們能夠被稱為兩個種嗎?

而最大的問題是有些物種根本沒有任何有性繁殖,比如說一種海洋動物蛭形輪虫(bdelloid rotifer)在一億年前就放棄了有性繁殖,哪麼利用生殖隔離的概念來定義輪虫的種群又是否恰當呢?微生物的分類就更加複雜,細菌不像動物那樣交配,但它們可以以其他方法進行基因交換。例如病毒可以把基因由一個宿主帶到另一個宿主,它們從完全不同的微生物種群獲得基因,因此教科書有關種的定義就完全用不上。


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

1/48 RAAF Spitfire

Here is the Hasegawa's 1/48 RAAF Spitfire.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Spitfire near completion

The 1/48 RAAF Spitfire was weathered by oil wash. The surface will be coated with a mat finish later.

Saturday, August 02, 2008










(1) 通脹對哪一個社會階層的生活素質影響最大?試加以解釋。
(2) 有論者認為高通脹是世界性的趨勢,政府可做的事不多。你多大程度上同意這說法?試加以解釋。
(3) 假如你是公司的管理層,你會用什麼理據拒絕工人加薪的要求?為什麼?
(4) 有論者認為政府支持發展社會企業有違一直以來所奉行的積極不干預政策,破壞自由的營商環境。你同意這說法嗎?試加以解釋。
(5) 有代表勞工界的議員認為由於沒有集體談判權,工人發動罷工要承擔很大的風險,因此有必要進一步加強保障工人罷工的權利。你是否同意?試加以解釋。

Friday, August 01, 2008

The scourge of inflation really hurts

The recent waves of strike action have been the sign of discontent expressed by the lower class, who have their actual income badly shrunk by soaring inflation. With the approach of election, legislators from the Labor Sector must take a more active role in staging industrial action in order to secure votes in the coming election. It is therefore a reasonable guess to expect more strikes to come.

The causes of inflation are multiple. Rising oil and food prices are to blame of course. In fact, however, the depreciation of the U.S. currency is the actual culprit behind the scene. As our currency is pegged with the greenback, there is nothing our monetary policy can do to deal with inflation. The credit crunch and dying property market will drag the U.S economy to the brink of recession. At the same time, the rising oil prices and depreciated U.S currency have fueled inflation. The Fed has to choose between rescuing the country from recession and curbing inflation. As the Fed seems to favor the former, the chance for the Fed to raise the interest rate to a level sufficient to curb inflation (2% above the CPI) is unlikely in the backdrop of shrinking property market.

The lower classes feel the hit of inflation most. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, working classes had their salaries cut to save their jobs and the companies as well. Despite the recovery of local economy since 2003, lower classes have seldom benefited from the growth. Instead, they have to work even harder and longer to secure their jobs with wages being eaten up by inflation and not a penny is left after deduction of all necessary expenditure from their income.

The government’s ‘relief policies’ only have short-term effect. If the government fails to tackle the structural problems in our society, the grumpy emotion of people will still prevail. One of the major problems facing us is the lack of upward mobility in our society. Financial services are one of the major pillars of our economy and seem to be the only sector strongly backed by the government. Economic growth in recent years has only benefited those professionals working in the fields of finance, accounting and banking. Workers from the lower class have no way to gain a share of the growth. Without much bargaining power, they find it hard to keep their jobs even with their wages slashed by unscrupulous bosses.

In those good old days, college degrees and professional accreditations were not the only elements leading to a successful career life. To be an apprentice and acquire a particular skill could possibly pave the way to become a business owner. Opportunities for upward mobility were everywhere. Today our city is embraced by blocks of shopping malls, which only favor the giant chain-stores to do business but not the small ones. As the social landscape of our city tends to become homogenous, less business opportunities are available for those who want to move up the social ladder. A society with a cultural diversity favors the development of diverse economic activities, which facilitate social mobility among the lower classes.

The efforts of non-governmental organizations to ease the pain of the poor at the time of fierce inflation such as the setting up of ‘food banks’ and ‘price busters’ are most welcome. If they move a step forward and work in collaboration with the government to start more social enterprise and keep society vibrant by maintaining its cultural diversity. There will be more ways out for the poor to escape from their plight.

The wide gap between rich and poor is nothing unfamiliar to Hong Kong people. The conflict has surfaced in the wake of soaring inflation. The government should not turn a blind eye to the problem. It is the government’s responsibility to maintain a just business environment and provide a level playing field for all participants. The enactment of ‘Competition law’ should be given a thorough consideration. A culturally-diverse society is conducive to cultivation of vibrant economic activities. Officials from the Planning Department should put the maintenance of cultural heterogeneity on top of the agenda before launching the urban renewal projects. Big business owners can demonstrate their corporate social responsibility by implementing ‘minimum wages’ and ‘maximum working hours’ policies for the lower working classes. This not only gives the public the positive image of the companies but also effectively sooth the conflict between rich and poor.

Harmonious society is far from reality if the government only pays lip service to its promise. It can only be built and sustained by the concerted and devoted efforts from all parties concerned.