Tuesday, June 24, 2008




政府高層親赴災場監督及慰問的情景被傳媒廣為報導,為中國的國際形象加了不少分,而最感人的報導莫過於新聞周刊記者一則關於初級幹部參與救災的專訪, 當時記者問及傷亡的情況,由於該名幹部的家人都在災難中喪生,一時觸景傷情, 淚如雨下。但就在此刻,他收到上級的救災指示,於是強忍淚水,返回所屬的救災單位。該名記者深受感動,並且面向鏡頭說:「這就是我們所看見的中國」。由此可見,一名初級幹部的專業精神勝過一切樣板政治宣傳,使西方人重新評價中國人的人文素質。


資訊自由為公民社會的發展建立基礎,不同的利益集團透過通訊科技組織起來, 動員能力之強和回應速度之快是遠超過政府的控制能力。當中國社會變得更多元化,對資訊流通的自由度有更高的期望,而在這基礎上,公民社會的發展勢頭更不可逆轉。


Monday, June 16, 2008

The Rise of Civil Society and its Impact on China’s Political Environment

The unprecedented lax attitude of Chinese officials towards media, allowing free press coverage of Sichuan’s devastating earthquake, has demonstrated how the power of free information flow could be fully exploited for the benefit of a nation.

Through modern information and communication technology, local and overseas media can get information about the earthquake at real time. The unobstructed information flow is vital to the governmental and non-governmental organizations around the globe to organize rescue operations and logistics support in China.

The televised images depicting the plight of quake stricken victims and devoted effort of rescue teams have kindled people’s patriotism and sympathy and helped much in raising money for disaster relief. The widely broadcast clips on how premier Wen Jiabao boosted the morale of the rescue teams and pacified the victims trapped under the rubble have strengthened China’s international reputation.

It was not only the dedication of top officials that touched peoples’ sentiment. The story of a junior civil servant as reported by Newsweek has a more far reaching impact on the impression of China long perceived by the West. The junior officer told the reporter about the casualties of the earthquake. He burst into tears while responding to the reporter’s questions because his family members were killed in the quake. The interview was then interrupted by a call from a senior officer who needed him to resume rescue promptly. The officer put his emotion under control and reported duty without hesitation. The reporter was moved into tears by his professionalism and realized that China has really changed. The touching story of a devoted junior officer caught the eyes of the media much more than could be done by any political propaganda.

Free information flow is a double-edge sword. Media coverage conducive to polishing the image of the government strengthens the legitimacy of the ruling party. On the contrary, comments about possible collusion leading to the sub-standard school buildings that killed hundreds of thousands of school children might shaken the authority of the ruling party. Would the government stay on the right track leading to more room in political openness or merely allow selective information flow for sake of favoring party’s ruling?

Free flow of information is the foundation of a civil society. People from myriad interest groups get organized via information and communication technology. Being swift in action and mosaic in organization, civil groups are beyond the grip of the government. A diversified society has come along with the economic reform in China. With the help of information technology, the emergence of a civil society is an irreversible trend and people will expect more freedom in information flow and political participation. Under this premise, the ruling party must be brave enough to reform the political system and make it more responsive to the demand of people. Failing to do this will only widen the disparity between social development and economic reform and may inevitably push people to the verge of social unrest.

Friday, June 06, 2008


讀過哥倫比亞大學經濟學人Jeffrey Sachs所著的<終結貧窮>後,深深感受到富國在扶貧方面所作貢獻之少實在令人汗顏。試想想作為富國代表的美國,單是軍費的開支已是全球主要國家的三十倍,相對於龐大的軍費,美國投放在扶貧的開支實在少得可恥。911恐怖襲擊之後,布殊總統打著反恐的旗號為擴充軍備大開綠燈,政客更愚弄國民,透過媒體使民眾相信強大的軍事力量和先發制人的軍事行動才是保護國民免受恐怖襲擊的最佳方法。但筆者提出貧窮才是助長恐怖主義萌芽的主因,只要富國把軍費開支的一少部分花在扶貧上,必能有效地減低富國與窮國間之矛盾。



可是國際貨幣基金會(IMF)和世界銀行往往只會向窮國開一貼毫無療效的苦藥 – 強制窮國削減政府開支、償還外債、建立市場經濟,而沒有就窮國致貧的真正原因對症下藥。所以這些由西方國家主導的組織往往幫倒忙,窮國為了償還而緊縮開支,一些攸關民生的重要計劃如瘧疾和愛滋病控制亦因而停止。如果富國可以讓窮國免除債務,並且對窮國面對的困境作針對性的支援,將有助他們傱貧窮的泥沼中拯救出來,只有這樣,人民才可擁有資產,才可內部投資推動國家的經濟發展。
