Wednesday, September 27, 2006

偉哥之父 路易斯.歇拿奴(Louis Ignarro)教授

1998年諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主路易斯.歇拿奴(Louis Ignarro)教授在香港中文大學的講座內,對年青人有以下的勉勵。






之後歇拿奴到了Geigy藥廠工作,同時開始他的研究工作。當時他研究的是一種叫「環磷酸鳥」(cyclic GMP)的物質—這是在我們的細胞內,其中一種負責傳遞信息的化合物。後來Geigy和Ciba藥廠合併,歇拿奴則於1973年到杜蘭大學(Tulane University)藥理學系任教。 
在其後的研究生涯中,歇拿奴和同事得知,細胞中「環磷酸鳥」的水平是由一種當時被稱為EDRF (endothelium-derived relaxing factor)的神秘物質所決定的。EDRF可提升「環磷酸鳥」的水平,以引發各種生物反應—其中一種是令血管舒張和血壓下降。耐人尋味的是,有實驗的結果顯示,將一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)注入細胞,也有同樣的效果。



Monday, September 25, 2006

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

About this book

The antireligion wars started by Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris will heat up even more with this salvo from celebrated Oxford biologist Dawkins. For a scientist who criticizes religion for its intolerance, Dawkins has written a surprisingly intolerant book, full of scorn for religion and those who believe. But Dawkins, who gave us the selfish gene, anticipates this criticism. He says it's the scientist and humanist in him that makes him hostile to religions—fundamentalist Christianity and Islam come in for the most opprobrium—that close people's minds to scientific truth, oppress women and abuse children psychologically with the notion of eternal damnation. While Dawkins can be witty, even confirmed atheists who agree with his advocacy of science and vigorous rationalism may have trouble stomaching some of the rhetoric: the biblical Yahweh is "psychotic," Aquinas's proofs of God's existence are "fatuous" and religion generally is "nonsense." The most effective chapters are those in which Dawkins calms down, for instance, drawing on evolution to disprove the ideas behind intelligent design. In other chapters, he attempts to construct a scientific scaffolding for atheism, such as using evolution again to rebut the notion that without God there can be no morality. He insists that religion is a divisive and oppressive force, but he is less convincing in arguing that the world would be better and more peaceful without it. (From

An extract of interview with the author by Gordy Slack is included here for better illustration of his stance towards religious believe.

For details, please refer to

Once again, evolution is under attack. Are there any questions at all about its validity?
It's often said that because evolution happened in the past, and we didn't see it happen, there is no direct evidence for it. That, of course, is nonsense. It's rather like a detective coming on the scene of a crime, obviously after the crime has been committed, and working out what must have happened by looking at the clues that remain. In the story of evolution, the clues are a billionfold.

There are clues from the distribution of DNA codes throughout the animal and plant kingdoms, of protein sequences, of morphological characters that have been analyzed in great detail. Everything fits with the idea that we have here a simple branching tree. The distribution of species on islands and continents throughout the world is exactly what you'd expect if evolution was a fact. The distribution of fossils in space and in time are exactly what you would expect if evolution were a fact. There are millions of facts all pointing in the same direction and no facts pointing in the wrong direction.

British scientist J.B.S. Haldane, when asked what would constitute evidence against evolution, famously said, "Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian." They've never been found. Nothing like that has ever been found. Evolution could be disproved by such facts. But all the fossils that have been found are in the right place. Of course there are plenty of gaps in the fossil record. There's nothing wrong with that. Why shouldn't there be? We're lucky to have fossils at all. But no fossils have been found in the wrong place, such as to disprove the fact of evolution. Evolution is a fact.

Still, so many people resist believing in evolution. Where does the resistance come from?

It comes, I'm sorry to say, from religion. And from bad religion. You won't find any opposition to the idea of evolution among sophisticated, educated theologians. It comes from an exceedingly retarded, primitive version of religion, which unfortunately is at present undergoing an epidemic in the United States. Not in Europe, not in Britain, but in the United States.

My American friends tell me that you are slipping towards a theocratic Dark Age. Which is very disagreeable for the very large number of educated, intelligent and right-thinking people in America. Unfortunately, at present, it's slightly outnumbered by the ignorant, uneducated people who voted Bush in.

But the broad direction of history is toward enlightenment, and so I think that what America is going through at the moment will prove to be a temporary reverse. I think there is great hope for the future. My advice would be, Don't despair, these things pass.

Believing in God is like believing in a teapot orbiting Mars?
Yes. For a long time it seemed clear to just about everybody that the beauty and elegance of the world seemed to be prima facie evidence for a divine creator. But the philosopher David Hume already realized three centuries ago that this was a bad argument. It leads to an infinite regression. You can't statistically explain improbable things like living creatures by saying that they must have been designed because you're still left to explain the designer, who must be, if anything, an even more statistically improbable and elegant thing. Design can never be an ultimate explanation for anything. It can only be a proximate explanation. A plane or a car is explained by a designer but that's because the designer himself, the engineer, is explained by natural selection.

So why do we insist on believing in God?
From a biological point of view, there are lots of different theories about why we have this extraordinary predisposition to believe in supernatural things. One suggestion is that the child mind is, for very good Darwinian reasons, susceptible to infection the same way a computer is. In order to be useful, a computer has to be programmable, to obey whatever it's told to do. That automatically makes it vulnerable to computer viruses, which are programs that say, "Spread me, copy me, pass me on." Once a viral program gets started, there is nothing to stop it.

Similarly, the child brain is preprogrammed by natural selection to obey and believe what parents and other adults tell it. In general, it's a good thing that child brains should be susceptible to being taught what to do and what to believe by adults. But this necessarily carries the down side that bad ideas, useless ideas, waste of time ideas like rain dances and other religious customs, will also be passed down the generations. The child brain is very susceptible to this kind of infection. And it also spreads sideways by cross infection when a charismatic preacher goes around infecting new minds that were previously uninfected.

You've said that raising children in a religious tradition may even be a form of abuse.
What I think may be abuse is labeling children with religious labels like Catholic child and Muslim child. I find it very odd that in our civilization we're quite happy to speak of a Catholic child that is 4 years old or a Muslim of child that is 4, when these children are much too young to know what they think about the cosmos, life and morality. We wouldn't dream of speaking of a Keynesian child or a Marxist child. And yet, for some reason we make a privileged exception of religion. And, by the way, I think it would also be abuse to talk about an atheist child.

You are working on a new book tentatively called "The God Delusion." Can you explain it?
A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence. Religion is scarcely distinguishable from childhood delusions like the "imaginary friend" and the bogeyman under the bed. Unfortunately, the God delusion possesses adults, and not just a minority of unfortunates in an asylum. The word "delusion" also carries negative connotations, and religion has plenty of those.

What are the dark sides of religion today?
Terrorism in the Middle East, militant Zionism, 9/11, the Northern Ireland "troubles," genocide, which turns out to be "credicide" in Yugoslavia, the subversion of American science education, oppression of women in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and the Roman Catholic Church, which thinks you can't be a valid priest without testicles.

Does religion contribute to the violence of Islamic extremists? Christian extremists?
Of course it does. From the cradle, they are brought up to revere martyrs and to believe they have a fast track to heaven. With their mother's milk they imbibe hatred of heretics, apostates and followers of rival faiths.

I don't wish to suggest it is doctrinal disputes that are motivating the individual soldiers who are doing the killing. What I do suggest is that in places like Northern Ireland, religion was the only available label by which people could indulge in the human weakness for us-or-them wars. When a Protestant murders a Catholic or a Catholic murders a Protestant, they're not playing out doctrinal disagreements about transubstantiation.

What is going on is more like a vendetta. It was one of their lot's grandfathers who killed one of our lot's grandfathers, and so we're getting our revenge. The "their lot" and "our lot" is only defined by religion. In other parts of the world it might be defined by color, or by language, but in so many parts of the world it isn't, it's defined by religion. That's true of the conflicts among Croats and the Serbs and Bosnians -- that's all about religion as labels.

The grotesque massacres in India at the time of partition were between Hindus and Muslims. There was nothing else to distinguish them, they were racially the same. They only identified themselves as "us" and the others as "them" by the fact that some of them were Hindus and some of them were Muslims. That's what the Kashmir dispute is all about. So, yes, I would defend the view that religion is an extremely potent label for hostility. That has always been true and it continues to be true to this day.

How would we be better off without religion?
We'd all be freed to concentrate on the only life we are ever going to have. We'd be free to exult in the privilege -- the remarkable good fortune -- that each one of us enjoys through having been being born. An astronomically overwhelming majority of the people who could be born never will be. You are one of the tiny minority whose number came up. Be thankful that you have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one. The world would be a better place if we all had this positive attitude to life. It would also be a better place if morality was all about doing good to others and refraining from hurting them, rather than religion's morbid obsession with private sin and the evils of sexual enjoyment.

Are there environmental costs of a religious worldview?
There are many religious points of view where the conservation of the world is just as important as it is to scientists. But there are certain religious points of view where it is not. In those apocalyptic religions, people actually believe that because they read some dopey prophesy in the book of Revelation, the world is going to come to an end some time soon. People who believe that say, "We don't need to bother about conserving forests or anything else because the end of the world is coming anyway." A few decades ago one would simply have laughed at that. Today you can't laugh. These people are in power.

Is there an emotional side to the intellectual enterprise of exploring the story of life on Earth?
Yes, I strongly feel that. When you meet a scientist who calls himself or herself religious, you'll often find that that's what they mean. You often find that by "religious" they do not mean anything supernatural. They mean precisely the kind of emotional response to the natural world that you've described. Einstein had it very strongly. Unfortunately, he used the word "God" to describe it, which has led to a great deal of misunderstanding. But Einstein had that feeling, I have that feeling, you'll find it in the writings of many scientists. It's a kind of quasi-religious feeling. And there are those who wish to call it religious and who therefore are annoyed when a scientist calls himself an atheist. They think, "No, you believe in this transcendental feeling, you can't be an atheist." That's a confusion of language.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Philanthropists desperately needed in China

The robust economic growth in China has created an expanding population of middle classes and business tycoons. However, according to a recent survey, the contribution of business sectors in philanthropic activities is far less when compared with the Western counterparts. The discrepancy can be attributed to the differences between the East and West in corporate culture and wealth management.

In many Chinese corporations, the founders make all the necessary arrangement to ensure the smooth transition of the business kingdom to his heir. The wealth of the first generation tycoons is passed to the subsequent generations. However, in most cases, the second generation of tycoons fails to keep the business flourish.

In the West, instead of passing all properties to their heir, it is far more common to see business founders apportioning most of their wealth to philanthropic activities. The recent acts of Warrant Buffet and Bill Gate are vivid examples. The leadership of the business seldom falls on the shoulder of family members.

The idea of corporate social responsibility is quite new to many Chinese tycoons. The rapid expansion of the well-off population widens the gap between the rich and the poor. This lays the seed of fury and social instability in China. If more Chinese tycoons act like their Western counterparts in terms of monetary contribution and determination in philanthropist activities, the under-privileges will taste the fruit of economic growth and the ‘anti-rich’ sentiment in the rural community will be soothed.

Thursday, September 14, 2006



也许事件已经发生了一段颇长时间,故文章未能在论坛上引起热烈讨论。但事实上,几年以来美国官方对事件的调查几乎毫无寸进,民间对官方说法的怀疑却与日俱增。有民意调查显示,半数以上美国人认为布什政府在事件上有刻意隐瞒或蓄意欺骗公众的嫌疑。不少非主流媒体和民间组织,都极力遁不同渠道搜集资料,从不同角度质疑官方说法的可信性。咱老百姓(真)网友提及的Scholars 911,只是其中较著名民间组织之一。

在九.一一事件上,任何跟官方说法不一致的言论,都被指为“阴谋论”。然而,出现各式各样揣测的真正原因,其实在于许多与案情相关的重要资料,都被列为不能向公众透露的国家机密。此外,官方对那些提出质疑而又有公信力的“异见人士”,采取极不宽容的态度。不久前,University of Wisconsin的一位大学教授Kevin Barrett,就因为公开质疑官方说法,被共和党政客点名批评,结果在国会议员向校方施压下,惨被剥夺教席。




“根据布隆伯格(Bloomberg) 及摩根斯丹利(Morgan Stanley) 等多家大型证卷投资公司所提供的数据显示,在911惨剧发生之前的几个交易日内,在纽约、东京、法兰克福及香港等主要市场上,都突然涌现异常大量的期权淡仓(按:“认沽期权”;put options),而且所针对的几乎都是航空及保险业的股份。故此有专家指出,策划911恐怖袭击的组织,几乎可以肯定是拥有巨额资金的国际“高科技”犯罪集团;像拉登这样活跃于阿富汗山区的游击队,要部署类似的大规模国际投机活动及恐怖袭击实在极为困难。”

由于期货及期权交易客户必须登记有效的户口,美国证券及交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)及联邦调查局(FBI)理应可以凭事发期间的交易纪录顺藤摸瓜,按图索骥,查出相关客户的身份资料。为什么从没听闻这方面的调查有任何进展?为什么国会从没要求公开有关交易的数据?政府内部是否有高层人物牵涉其中?还是另有不可告人的内情?

至于咱老百姓(真)网友谈及世贸中心大楼之内可能早已埋有大量炸药的“猜想”(即所谓“controlled demolition theory”),在网络上的英语讨论区里,向来甚嚣尘上。就我所知,飞机用煤油(kerosene)在燃烧时所产生的高温,一般只有摄氏450度左右,而要令大楼的钢筋熔解,温度至少要在1,500度以上,何况当时大楼受火灾影响的楼层不断冒出黑烟,明显出现氧气不足的现象,因此从物理学角度而言,两座大楼纯粹因为烈火焚烧而倒塌的可能性不太高。



据德国“Manager Magazine”2001年的报导,犹太籍商人Larry Silverstein在2001年1月,以32亿美元投得世贸中心的业权。值得怀疑的是,当时科网泡沫已经爆破,世贸中心的租值大跌,空置的办工室根本租不出去,而楼宇结构部份又蕴含大量石棉,如要拆卸重建,将牵涉数不清的巨额法律诉讼。为什么Larry Silverstein仍要为这些物业作巨额投保?(www.answers.com上提供的资料说,Larry Silverstein事后获保险公司赔偿合共约50亿美元。另外有报导说,Larry Silverstein承认计划以引爆炸药的方式拆卸第七大楼,世事是否真的如此巧合?)我曾经指出,在九.一一事件上,以以色列政府及相关的犹太激进组织嫌疑最大。首先,发生劫机事件的机场保安,全部都是由一家以色列拥有的集团ICTS负责。此外,据Fox News以及《华盛顿邮报》的报导,美国在2000至2001年期间,共拘捕约200名在美国从事可疑间谍活动的以色列人,其后全数被遣返以色列。在事发当日,五名以色列人因为形迹可疑而被拘捕。根据Fox News的新闻评述员Carl Cameron访问华府高层政府人员的谈话记录,被捕的以色列人经FBI调查,证实是以色列情报组织Mossad的成员。这五名特工明显早有准备,在九.一一事件发生时,于邻近有利位置利用非常完备的录像器材,兴高采烈地拍摄恐怖袭击的全部过程。据悉五人被捕后被交由接受九.一一专案小组调查,但旋即被遣返祖国。


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

在学校学不到的11条准则- -

1. 人生是不公平的,要去适应它。
2. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。它指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。
3. 高中刚毕业你不会一年挣4万美元。你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车。这些都要靠努力才能得到。
4. 如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板再这样想。老板可是没有任期限制的。
5. 做烙牛肉饼的工作并不有损你的尊严。你的祖父母有不同的看法,他们称它为:机遇。
6. 如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要发牢骚抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。
7. 在你出生前,你的父母并不像他们现在这样乏味,他们变成今天这个样子是因为他们一直在为你付账单,给你洗衣服,听你自吹自擂。
8. 学校里成绩的高低好坏,对人生来说还言之过早。
9. 人生不是学期制,人生没有寒暑假。没有哪个雇主有兴趣帮助你寻找自我,请用自己的闲暇做这件事吧。
10. 电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们必须得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。
11. 善待乏味的人。有可能将来你会为一个乏味的人工作。

NOTICE: 这11条准则盛传是Bill Gates在一次对高中生的演讲中提出的。不过,据我考证,事实并不见得如此。更可信的说法是Charles Sykes给的这11条准则。它著有一本著名的书:
Dumbing down our kids : Why America's children feel good about themselves but can't read, write, or add.》(准则是否是这本书提出,说法不一,我也无从考证。如果有朋友能看到这本书,并愿意帮忙查查,在下感激不尽)。这本出版于1996年的书主要针对高中生和家长,谈了作者对美国的教育制度、方法的看法,批评大于赞同,倡导一种叫做“Outcome Based Education”的教育方法。书我只通过互联网上的零星资料浏览了一点点,不做评论。
关于准则的出处最可信的是来其来自于1996-9-19出版的San Diego Union Tribune,作者就是Charles J. Sykes,文章题目为Some rules kids won't learn in school。但在传播过程中发生了不少的失真,尤其译为中文之后。可以参考:

Friday, September 01, 2006

