Wednesday, May 31, 2006



1. 我們無法改變環境,但可以改變自己。
2. 遠大的目標是成功的磁石。
3. 求知是積累優勢邁向成功的第一步。
4. 成功屬於堅持到底的人
5. 一生只做兩種事:做正確的事和正確地做事。
6. 時間是一種獨特的資源,根本無法儲存,一旦過去,永不復返。
7. 有偉大成就的人,向來善於自我管理。
8. 我們若無法阻擋變革,就只能走在變革之前。
9. 在現代經濟中,知識正成為真正的資本與首要的財富。
10. 人生並沒有辦不到的事情,只有不去辦的事情。

Tuesday, May 30, 2006




(1) 精神面貌方面要有進取的態度,積極正確的價值觀及高尚的道德操守,並關心社會時事,關懷弱勢社群。做事充滿熱誠,擇善固執,堅守信念和道德標準,應有所為有所不為。
(2) 除了精通本科知識外,還要具備國際視野,掌握其他範疇的知識。
(3) 具備極高的中英文水平。
(4) 有自信心和領導才能。
(5) 有批判思考能力,能夠從多角度了解問題。
(6) 能認真和努力地做好每一件事,這不局限話於認真預備考試和做功課,而是在人生歷程的每一個階段,有否認真做好每一件事。
(7) 人際交往能力:懂得與不同的人相處溝通,有高情緒智商,能夠和別人分工合作。
(8) 科技能力和資訊文明:懂得使用互聯網及其他電腦科技尋找和運用資訊
(9) 創造能力:能綜合資料和不同見解,提出新的觀點看法
(10) 適應能力:能夠處理新事物新情況,在不同環境下發揮所長


以上不是什麼新的論點,其實早在一九六九年、現代管理學之父杜拉克(Peter Drucker)就預言知識員工(knowledge worker)的出現。在經濟發展成熟的地區如香港,對高學歷和具專業資格(學位或以上程度)的人才需求甚殷,但中五教育水平或以下者面對極大的失業壓力。所以年輕新一代要爭取得來不易的學習機會,努力裝備自己,使自己成為有良知的知識工作者。

Thursday, May 25, 2006





戴蒙在書中提到的社會生存和物種個體生存之別非常重要。我們經常把這兩者混為一談,認為文化價值是個體生存的先決條件。但是經歷兩次世界大戰的浩劫和核子時代的恐懼後,我們已經覺醒:只有學習好好相處、以和平的方式解決爭端,人類這個物種才能存活下去。然而,我們可別忘了這樣的事實:即使我們守法、愛好和平、能容忍別人、有發明創造的能力、熱愛自由、擁抱核心文化價值,我們的作為還是可能危及我們賴以為生的環境,無異於慢性生態自殺,個體最後也就無法生存。──葛拉威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)∕《紐約客》書評暢銷書《決斷2秒間》(Blink)、《引爆趨勢》(Tipping Point)作者
人類在孤絕的復活節島上拚命雕刻石頭巨人,忽略了大自然,最後只是為自己帶來滅亡。同樣的傻事在人類文明史上一再重演。戴蒙這本寫得極其嚴謹、精采的書,探討人類社會崩壞的原因,並告訴我們如何才能轉危為安。如果我們好好讀這本書,保住這個地球,我們的子孫一定會感謝我們。──華特曼(Robert Waterman Jr.)企管暢銷書《追求卓越》(In Search of Excellence)作者
戴蒙以一個又一個令人驚心動魄的故事,告訴我們:如果我們像過去人類社會那樣踐踏生態環境,會有什麼下場?──路易斯(Bill Lewis)麥肯錫全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute)名譽主任《生產力》(The Power of Productivity)作者
戴蒙的《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》一書帶領我們在人類文明之路上探索,檢視一萬五千年來的人類發展史。接下來,這本《大崩壞》繼續這段旅程。戴蒙以生動的筆法帶我們觀看過去人類文明的起落,並佐以詳盡的史料分析。那些文明的故事不只是過眼雲煙,而可以和今日的盧安達、澳洲、中國和蒙大拿連結,做為殷鑑,讓我們為「進步」重新定義。──卡爾(James Karr)華盛頓大學(University of Washington)教授
戴蒙不只讓我們對古文明的殞落心生悵然,他的考古學與史學論述更讓我們學到寶貴的一課,讓我們知道人類社會曾犯過什麼樣的錯。這是關心人類目前處境者必讀之書。──白伍德(Peter Bellwood)澳洲國立大學(Australian National University)教授
戴蒙結合科學與歷史,寫出令人入迷的文章。他在新著《大崩壞》中演示人類趨吉避凶之道。──普特曼(Louis Putterman)布朗大學(Brown University)教授
過去最繁華、最強大、最有自信的人類社會都不免崩壞,更何況是我們?作者透過古今社會的對照與比較,告訴我們哪些是當今人類社會最大的威脅,教我們記取教訓,心生希望。這是一本可能改變人類歷史的書。──瑞德曼(Charles Redman)亞歷桑納州立大學教授(Arizona State University)教授
人類有史以來第一次面臨全球生態崩壞的危機。在這個關鍵時間點,戴蒙帶領我們進行一趟文明巡禮,讓我們看看面臨類似威脅的古老人類社會如何在環境的挑戰下覆亡。本書是戴蒙繼經典之作《第三種猩猩》和《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》之後的力作,讓我們洞視過去人類社會的不幸,避免同樣的噩運降臨在我們身上。──艾利克(Paul R. Ehrlich)史丹佛大學(Stanford University)教授《步上尼尼微的後塵》(One With Nineveh)作者

◎賈德.戴蒙(Jared Diamond)  美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)醫學院生理學教授、美國國家科學院院士。他除了是實驗室科學家,還是田野生物學家、人類學家,也是當代少數幾位探究人類社會與文明的思想家之一。戴蒙的研究成就使他獲獎無數,包括美國國家科學獎、泰勒環境貢獻獎、日本國際環境和諧獎、麥克阿瑟基金會研究獎助.等。  戴蒙是全球唯一兩度榮獲英國科普書獎殊榮的作家。他的《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》,同時榮獲 1998 年美國普利玆獎、英國科普書獎與萊南文學獎,探討人類社會不平等的起源與地理成因,與《第三種猩猩》合稱為「人類大歷史」。
◎廖月娟:美國西雅圖華盛頓大學比較文學碩士,現專事翻譯研究。  譯作豐富,包括:《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》、《生命的臉》、《鎢絲舅舅》、《旅行的藝術》、《一個外科醫師的修練》、《旁觀者:管理大師杜拉克回憶錄》等作品。

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York: Viking, 2005.

Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York: Viking, 2005.

Will our current environmental crisis lead to the economic or social collapse of civilization? In the face of patently unsustainable consumption of natural resources, and the almost complete lack of political awareness of our leaders and most of the public, is this not inevitable? Global warming is now in progress, food production per capita has been declining for decades, oil production may peak in the next five years or so, soil erosion and deforestation are rampant, water tables are falling almost everywhere that it matters.
Alas, there is no single book which really comprehensively examines these questions. But there are three books which I highly recommend to anyone who wants to study the issue, the full references for which are above: Collapse by Jared Diamond, The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter, and Something New Under the Sun by J. R. McNeill.
The latest, greatest, and most readable book is Jared Diamond’s Collapse. Just published early this year (2005), it is already on the best seller lists. Diamond is best known as the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. In Collapse he focuses on environmental crises faced by past civilizations. Our own culture is not examined systematically, although he does discuss the case of modern Montana. For people who want to know more about what happened on Easter Island, to the Norse settlements in Greenland, or to the Mayas, this is just your book.
At the top of the list of historical examples is the story of Easter Island — probably the classic case of environmental collapse. Easter Island had a large population and a thriving economy complete with forested areas that could have provided trees for boats and supported a much higher standard of living. But through overpopulation and thoughtless destruction of the environment, the trees were all cut down, the population collapsed, and the statues left standing where they were at the time of the collapse — long before the Europeans arrived. Easter Island is only one of scenarios that Diamond considers — he also discusses civilizations from the Maya to modern Haiti. The failed Norse settlements in Greenland actually get the most space compared to any other society.
I appreciated Diamond’s analysis and I am grateful for the compelling descriptions he has of the complexity of the situations which these various ancient (and modern) societies had. There are so many books being published these days, and a lot of it is just trash — it is a waste of the paper it is written on. Here is an author who has achieved some fame with a Pulitzer prize, and probably could publish his letters to his dog if he wanted to, but instead spends his literary capital to draw attention to a problem that is clearly of the greatest significance for the future of humanity.
Some reviewers, such as Michiko Kakutani of the New York Times, have criticized Diamond for arbitrary selection of past case histories. "Why Easter Island and not ancient Rome?" Kakutani asks in her perceptive review. In the case of Easter Island, there was manifest environmental damage done by the humans; but in ancient Rome, environmental influences appear to be minimal, non-existent, or even negative, as population actually decreased in many parts of the empire toward the end.
I think this is a valid point, but misses the thrust of the book, which is to look at a special kind of collapse, the collapse due to environmental pressure, and Diamond has done a pretty good job of that. Collapse due solely to economic and political complications (ancient Rome in a nutshell) is outside the scope of the book.
Into the Twentieth Century
Diamond’s historical approach to past environmental crises leaves us with two further questions.
The first question is, what about today’s society? The failure of the Norse settlements, which at maximum only consisted of several thousand inhabitants, hardly constitutes a model for global collapse, does it? Are these "local" disasters of the past really comparable to the present?
This where Something New Under the Sun comes in. It’s not quite as popularly written as Diamond’s book, but if you want to know what happened to the environment during the twentieth century, this is an excellent history. The book conveys the overall impression, as the title implies, that so far as human alteration of the environment is concerned, something fundamentally different happened in the twentieth century, orders of magnitude greater, which makes today’s situation very different from anything we have faced in the past (and much worse). He looks at the earth’s soil, urban air pollution, global air pollution, water pollution, water diversions and mining, land use, forests and fish, urbanization, energy, and ideas. The only real improvement during the twentieth century has been with respect to urban pollution, at least in the richer countries. When this book is set against Diamond’s, we see that the same kinds of forces at work on Easter Island are at work in the world, are global rather than local, and are intensifying.
To maintain our current standard of living, we are spending down irreplaceable natural capital, and when that is gone — when the land is degraded, the groundwater pumped, and oil production declining — then we will seemingly have no choice but to fall back into barbarism, a Dark Age from which humanity may never emerge. The smart money, I am afraid, says that civilization (as we know it) will not survive. But of course, there’s no point in making such a bet since if you win, the economic system in which you might collect such a bet won’t exist.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

談We the Media 與香港媒體


題目:談We the Media 與香港媒體


Dan Gillmor的We the media為我們介紹由網上日誌(或稱作「博客」,Weblog or Blog)發展而成的新資訊工具,它在媒體文化裡,產生甚麼新的可能,藉此,我們可以討論一下香港的發展可能。

查詢:2609-7563 2609-7075

Monday, May 22, 2006

環境、文化與征服 Jared Diamond, Gun, Germs and Steel



Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel (New York: Norton 1998)。
中譯本:賈德•戴蒙 (著),王道還廖月娟(譯):《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》,臺北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司,1998


Sunday, May 21, 2006

More on Cultural Revolution

For details, watch the RTHK's production《鏗鏘集》警鐘長鳴「文革四十年」,2006年5月14日晚上播出 .

Here is part of the wikipedia's definition on the impact of the Cultural Revolution:文化大革命


十年文革令全國所有的學校進入停課狀態,大學入學考試取消。高考直到1977年文革結束後才舉行,那一年考生的平均年齡是最大的,錄取率也是最低的。文革中,知識分子不被尊重,大多數被下放進行體力勞動,有些則遭到殘酷對待,財產被沒收。 也有些人的意見認為當今中國人普遍難以建立信任關係問題,以及道德淪喪問題,甚至腐敗成風問題都是文革時期人整人,人鬥人,互相出賣,互相揭發,互相批鬥的教育結果。因為不論是當時無法無天的紅衛兵還是被批鬥的知識分子現在已經為人父母甚至祖父母。這些經受了精神折磨的人的子女普遍繼承了他們的思想和性格,也就是說沒有經歷過文革的一代甚至幾代人都在承受着文革的負面影響。



Saturday, May 20, 2006

Susan Blackmore, The Meme Machine (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1999)

Susan Blackmore, The Meme Machine (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1999)
作者:Susan Blackmore 蘇珊。布賴模
Reader in Psychology, University of the West of England, Bristol.

粗略的大綱: 1. 略談文化與認同(庫安2000)。
2. 略談自私基因(道金斯1976)。
3. 略談自私圖報(瑞德來1996)。
4. 略談自私摹媒(道金斯1976;本書1999)。
5. 不太成熟的意見和一點反思。

1. (布賴模) Susan Blackmore, The Meme Machine (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1999).
2. (道金斯) Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (2nd ed.) (New York: Oxford University Press 1989). 中譯本:Richard Dawkins著,趙淑妙譯:《自私的基因──我們都是基因的俘虜?》台北:天下文化出版股份有限公司,1995。(他是“自私基因”和“摹媒”兩詞的發明人,但比布賴模較為保守。)
3. (庫安) Carl Coon, Culture Wars and the Global Village, a Diplomat’s Perspective (Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books 2000). (退休外交家談爸爸的專長:文化人類學。)
4. (瑞德理) Matt Ridley, The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation (London: Penguin Books 1996)。(動物學家發揮“ 相互利他(reciprocal altruism)”理論的暢銷名著。)
5. (克朗克) Lee Cronk, That Complex Whole (Boulder: Westview Press 1999). (文化人類學家精悍的小書(130頁)。)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Coastal Ecology

Do you know this snail species? Why do they hide in the rock crevice?

Thursday, May 18, 2006





Wednesday, May 17, 2006



李怡主講 陳求德主持


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


銘記文革兩大教訓:實行黨內民主輿論監督 (明報社評)










Cultural Revolution
FOUR decades ago , Mao Zedong , to consolidate his power base , launched the Cultural Revolution . He plunged China into ten - year - long turmoil . The disaster ended three decades ago . China , which has carried out reforms and pursued its open policy , is now an economic power . It has made up for the time it lost during the Cultural Revolution for economic development . However , the Cultural Revolution wreaked havoc on China's culture and crumbled Chinese people's values . China has yet to repair such enormous damage .

One may look back on the disaster which lasted ten years from many angles . However , we want most to see the Communist Party of China (CPC ) , the ruling party , review the history of the disaster honestly and draw lessons from it . It should come up with new ideas for increasing intra - party democracy and democratising China's political system lest the nation should see another Cultural Revolution .

The CPC's appraisal of the Cultural Revolution is anything but thorough . It wants people's memory of the Cultural Revolution to remain in line with the Resolution concerning Several Issues of the Party's H istory that Arose after the Foundation of the People's Republic , which was adopted at the sixth plenum of the CPC's 11th Central Committee in 1981 . However , the spectre of the Cultural Revolution still roams China . Factors that may lead to another Cultural Revolution have yet to be rooted out .

China saw the tragedy called the Cultural Revolution because the CPC monopolised power after it had founded the People's Republic . Mao worship became a mania , which spread to all parts of the country . Whatever Mao said prevailed . There was no intra - party democracy to speak of .
Because the CPC had failed to re - examine the Cultural Revolution thoroughly and Deng Xiaoping's words overrode any other's , the June 4 incident , another tragedy , took place . Because of the same reason , the CPC's constitution contains "Deng Xiaoping Theory" and "Jiang Zemin's Three Represents" . The CPC leadership intends to have such things included in the constitution of the People's Republic so that the worship of leaders will be the people's choice , and the fundamental charter of the nation , a eulogy of CPC leaders' virtues and achievements .
The CPC has made much progress over the past four decades . CPC leaders now are more pragmatic and liberal than those who held the reins of power four decades ago . They have even talked about developing intra - party democracy so that it would befit its ruling - party status . Nevertheless , the CPC's intra - party democracy still falls far short of the people's expectations .
We mark the Cultural Revolution now not only because we want to heed lessons of history but also because we hope the CPC leadership (headed by Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao ) will do away with such "rule by man" myths as "personality cult" , "authoritarian leadership" and "strongman politics" . We hope CPC leaders will come up with new ideas for incrreasing intra - party democracy . We hope the CPC will democratise the nation's political system and consolidate its rule of law . We hope it will make contributions that become its ruling - party status . Chinese leaders of Wu and Wen's generation should have such vision and courage as to set a good example for posterity by preventing any of their names from being included in the constitution of the CPC or that of the People's Republic of China .

The second lesson we have to bear in mind when we mark the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Cultural Revolution is that China should allow its press to play a positive , supervisory role in its social , economic and political development . One reason why China saw the tragic Cultural Revolution was that Mao Zedong had the nation's press under his control and used it to mould public opinion . He managed to fool people just as he pleased .

The Cultural Revolution ended three decades ago , but the CPC has clung to the idea that it is essential for maintaining social stability to keep the press strictly under its control and unreasonably deprive the people of fre e speech . Shortly after Hu and Wen had come to power , they slightly relaxed the CPC's control of the press . They still say they want public opinion to play a positive , supervisory role in having corrupted officials punished and preventing the government from placing itself above the law . Regrettably , we cannot but point out that , because of the crackdowns the Chinese government has had on the press over the past couple of years , people have lowered their expectations about China's tolerance of free speech . Unless its people actually enjoy the freedom of speech and can supervise its government through a free press , China cannot extricate itself from "rule by man" . If this remains the case , can anyone say for certain that China will never see another Cultural Revolution ?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

How stressed is your kid?

Want to know if your child is under too much pressure, whether from school, the crush of homework and extracurricular activities, or the burden of parental expectations? Then take this test designed in conjunction with TIME by Catherine McBride-Chang, a professor of developmental psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Give yourself one point for every (a) answer, two for a (b) answer, three for a (c). Then check below to see what your responses indicate.

1. Does your child have some time to relax every day? (a. Often b. Sometimes c. No)
2. Do you frequently find yourself in conflict with your child over schoolwork? (1. No b. Sometimes c. Often)
3. Is your love for your child influenced by his/her school performance? (a. No b. Somewhat c. Yes)
4. Do you express dissatisfaction with your child's grades, even when you know he/she tried his/her best? (a. No b. Sometimes c. Often)
5. Do you view schooling primarily as a means to an end rather than an opportunity to learn? (a. No b. Somewhat c. Yes)
6. Do you allow your child to pursue his/her own interests after school, even if they do not match your own? (a. Often b. Sometimes c. No)
7. Does your child feel more than usual anxiety at the prospect of failure at school? (a. No b. Sometimes c. Often)
8. Has your child lost interest in cimmunicating with you, or become more shy than usual? (a. No b. Somewhat c. Yes)
9. Does your child exhibit signs of illness (headaches, insomnia, irritability, stomach pains, etc) without any clear biological cause? (a. No b. Sometimes c. Often)
10. Do you make efforts to monitor your child's psychological well-being as well as his/her school performance? (a. Yes b. Sometimes c. No)


23-30 Ease up. Reflect on the activities and habits causing your child stress, including demands you make. Adding some downtime and reducing pressures at home (especially around exam periods)should help your child feel more in control.

16-22 Stay aware. Though your child is not exhibiting extreme signs of stress, maintain an open dialogue, keep a close eye out for developing problems and make sure he/she knows you're there to help. Encourage activities that your child enjoys and that bolster his/her confidence - not just those you choose.

10-15 Your child's stress levels don't seem problematic. Keep communicating and brainstorm solutions together when difficulties arise. As always, be aware of your child's viewpoint and don't assume that mon and dad always know best.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Uneasy Partners: The Conflict Between Public Interest and Private Profit in Hong Kong / Leo F. Goodstadt

Uneasy Partners: The Conflict Between Public Interest and Private Profit in Hong Kong
In Uneasy Partners, Leo Goodstadt draws on his vast experience of government and business in Hong Kong to put forward a provocative and challenging account, part praise, part indictment, of how government and business in Hong Kong transformed a poor refugee community into one of the world’s great cities and created a hugely successful economy.
The core of the book is a penetrating appraisal of the often paradoxical partnership between government and business and its considerable political and social costs. The principal actors in the story are the colonial rulers who were prepared to sacrifice Britain’s diplomatic interests and the interests of British companies in order to ensure Hong Kong’s survival, and their chosen allies from the Chinese business elite.
British officials believed that economic growth and the survival of colonial rule depended on collaboration with Chinese capitalism and cooperation with China’s communist rulers. The book identifies how the community set limits to these relationships, preventing the blatant sell-out of the public’s wellbeing to British, Mainland or local business interests. It reviews how colonial officials defied London’s proposals for political and social reform, fought for economic and financial autonomy and refused to protect the pound sterling. It identifies Beijing’s financial gains from the colonial policies that provided China with a secure international business base throughout the Cold War. Other chapters assess the belated drive against wholesale corruption, the decline of British commercial conglomerates, the ascendancy of HSBC, and the contribution of businessmen from Shanghai.
The story goes on beyond the British departure and explains how the Chinese Government’s decision to retain the political system of the colonial era handicapped the new leadership in responding to the changing political and social expectations of the community.
About the Speakers
Leo F. Goodstadt brings to this book personal experience of policy making at the highest levels and extensive access to decision-makers and business leaders since 1962. As Head of the Central Policy Unit, he was chief policy adviser to the Hong Kong Government from 1989 to 1997 and involved in a wide range of major reforms including elections, welfare, administrative efficiency and budgetary policies. He has had a successful career as a consultant economist to leading business corporations both before and since his government service. He became well-known for his incisive reporting on Hong Kong and China as Deputy Editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review and Hong Kong correspondent for Euromoney. His academic research has been widely published. He is now an adjunct professor in the School of Business Studies, Trinity College, University of Dublin and an honorary fellow of the University of Hong Kong.

For video review of the book talk, please refer to


Myths & Might : Understanding the Middle East Conflict

Myths & Might : Understanding the Middle East Conflict
‘From Beirut to Jerusalem’ by Thomas Friedman
Presented by Dr Susan Chu,
27th July 2002


1. Introduction
2. Lebanese history and civil war
3. Israeli Palestinian conflict up to 1980
4. Convergence of Lebanese and Israeli Palestinian conflict in Beirut 1982
5. Life in Dante’s inferno : Would You Like To Eat Now Or Wait For The Ceasefire?
6. Myths and might – driving forces behind the scene
7. Arafat and Sharon – Round One : Beirut 1982
8. American peacekeeping in Beirut
9. Beirut aftermath - Symbiotic paralysis
10. The first intifada – whose country is this anyway ?
11. Getting a seat on the Metro – a territorial conflict
12. Friedman’s proposed solution
13. Arafat and Sharon – Round Two: Jerusalem 2000
14. Endgame – latest efforts for peace
15. Globalisation and fragmentation – what hopes for world peace?


Thursday, May 11, 2006


本講座以普通話主講,錄影版本長約一小時,需要使用 Internet Explorer (IE 5.0或以上) 或 Windows Media Player (7.0或以上) 播放,歡迎網上收看,請選擇寬頻撥號上網下載。



Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Welcome to the reptiles' world (Part II)

These reptiles are found in Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Why Universities Must Change: Meeting the Demands of a Knowledge-based Economy

About this Lecture

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) is proud to be able to offer a public lecture by Dr Tony Bates (, who is visitingHong Kong to receive an honorary degree (Doctor of Social Sciences, honoris causa) from the University. Given the current state of higher education in Hong Kong , this public lecture is particularly timely. In his address, Dr Bates will focus on the educational needs of knowledge-based economies, the role of e-learning, and the transformational change needed in higher education.

A leading figure in the use of technology in higher education, Dr Bates is President and CEO of Tony Bates Associates Ltd, a private company specializing in consultancy and training in the planning and management of e-learning and distance education. He was Director of Distance Education and Technology in the Continuing Studies Division of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canadafrom 1995 to 2003, having spent the previous five years in a senior role at the Open Learning Agency of British Columbia. Prior to that, he was Professor of Educational Media Research at the British Open University, where he worked for 20 years as one of the founding members of staff. He has a Ph.D. in educational administration from the University of London, England, and has been awarded honorary degrees by the Open University of Portugal (1995), Laurentian University, Canada (2001), and Athabasca University, Canada(2004).

Dr Bates is the author of eight books, including 'Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and Universities Leaders', and (with Gary Poole) 'Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education', both published by Jossey-Bass. His research groups at the UKOU, OLA and UBC published over 350 papers in the area of distance education and the use of technology for teaching. He is on the editorial board of six journals specializing in distance education and educational technology. He has worked as a consultant in over 30 countries. Clients include the World Bank, OECD, national ministries of education, and several U.S. state higher education commissions.

The video of this lecture is in English and about one hour long. It can be viewed with Internet Explorer (IE 5.0 or above) or Windows Media Player (7.0 or above). To start viewing, please choose broadband or dial-up to suit your connection speed.

Please click on here to download Windows Media Player.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

泰寧學術講座:「觸摸創意 ─ 陌生眼睛看世界」


『現在流行講創意。 "創意" 在那裏? "創意",說有就有嗎? 是的,"創意" 在我們四周。 問題是:我們會不會與 "創意" 失諸交臂。』


本講座以廣東話主講,錄影版本長約四十五分鐘,需要使用 Internet Explorer (IE 5.0或以上) 播放,歡迎網上收看,請選擇寬頻撥號上網下載。

Video Link:

Friday, May 05, 2006

A visit to Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

Do you know these animals?

Leopard cat, white belly sea eagle and black kite are all indigenous species found in Hong Kong.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Robert Levine, A Geography of Time (New York: Basic Books, 1997); and Maureen Perkins, The Reform of Time (London: Pluto Press, 2001)


Robert Levine, A Geography of Time (New York: Basic Books, 1997); and Maureen Perkins, The Reform of Time (London: Pluto Press, 2001)

地點:香港中文大學崇基學院王福元樓UG LT4

甚麼是時間? 它是個客觀存在的東西, 還是個相對的概念? 我們的時間觀念是
如何形成的? 量度時間的方法是個科學問題, 還是個文化現象? 時間制度能改革
嗎? 它和社會政治秩序有何關係? 讓我們從一些關於時間的故事, 談談這些問


Wednesday, May 03, 2006





Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Welcome to the bugs' world

Here are photos of some local butterflies and bugs. Can you identify all of them?